Innovative Technology iPod BBX review & Video

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Member (SA)
So as soon as I saw this thing I immediately called Kohls in my area and to my utter shock they had a few in the store. So I ran out of the office and gabbed one. I figured it's Kohls, if it suck I can just return it. Well I think I may be keeping it. It's no high quality ox my any stretch of the imagination but it's no slouch either. I was shocked to see that my 3rd gen iPod touch worked and charged with the unit. (this damn ipod doesn't seem to be compatible with anything!) The design is simple and uncluttered. There are no tonal controls but your ipod's eq settings do actually pass through so you have the ability to adjust setting that way. The sound is what you'd expect from 3.5's that are properly crossed over. It really doesn't bog down or distort at all and puts out a surprisingly clean and regulated sound. There is enough low end to keep me satisfied, after all I wasn't really expecting gobs of bass. Although it's not as loud, it is clean sounding through the entire range. I wish some of my other boxes could do that...



Anyway check out the quick vid I made. My batteries ran out in the middle but you'll get the general idea until I can video record this thing with my real camera.

[Video is processing @ youtube. Should be up very soon]


Staff member
ALF! Kohl's needs to hire you like stat!

Great Review and you've got me SOLD. I'm getting one fer sure now.


Boomus Fidelis
wow i like it i wonder how the lasonic sounds also do not remeber anyone testing one out here,,, but that small box is awesome i have the ipod touch 3rd gen so should work good :yes: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Lasonic TRC-920

Great review man! Nice work. I'm not an iPod guy, I wish these could use other mp3 systems. But over all, I'm glad it has a REAL tuner (Hey Lasonic, Listen Up!) A little USB button drive would fit in there nicely. I wonder how many songs it would register. Someone said the i931 only went to 999.

It's cool it has LED's, bummer they don't change with volume levels though, they seem to just be for fun, but that's OK. Better then nothing.

How many batteries does it take?

Yeah, Good stuff....I think I'll pass for myself though...I hope more companies take note, maybe down the line we'll start seeing to higher end stuff.

el cad

Member (SA)
Great video ALF. Thanks for posting that.

Did they have any of the other colors at Kohl's?

Master Z

Member (SA)
Sweet vid alf! I'm glad we got to hear it and its good news that it doesn't distort. but I can't believe those tweets are fake!

And Lasonic 920, this unit isn't only for pods. You can use just about any mp3 or digital device like usb SD card and it has an aid jack.


Staff member
"Phone is ringing...ah forget it it who wants to answer the phones..." :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Great review! Now I have an excuse to go to Kohls with my wife! :lol: :lol:


Member (SA)
Wow! Very nice!
Not sure if I'd buy one.. if the speakers matched the grill size a bit closer I'd be all over it.
But hey, for a box at work or something it'd do nicely.

In fact, we could use one of those at my office's reception, hmmm, might get one afterall!

IF they ever make it to .au... which I'm kind of doubting.

Great review Alf!!

Rock On.

Lasonic TRC-920

Master Z said:
Sweet vid alf! I'm glad we got to hear it and its good news that it doesn't distort. but I can't believe those tweets are fake!

And Lasonic 920, this unit isn't only for pods. You can use just about any mp3 or digital device like usb SD card and it has an aid jack.

Hey Master Z, I guess your right....If that docking clamp holds tight, you could just put another mp3 player in there to a right angle 1/4 jack and close the door.

I wonder if you opened it up, if you could put tweeters in?

Maybe cut those speaker holes open?

Is there an Innovative Technologies DOOMER coming?

I wonder how long till we start seeing them on eBay? (I just checked....nothing)


Boomus Fidelis
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
I wonder how long till we start seeing them on eBay? (I just checked....nothing)

I was wondering the same thing last night after I stopped by Kohl's, if the i931 is any indication then it won't be long. :hmmm:


Member (SA)
Alf, you're the man! :yes:

First of all. Beautiful family. Props. :pimp:


And then, awesome review and video on this boombox! :thumbsup:


I loved the looks of this thing when Master Z posted about it.
Now I like it even more.
I just wish it was bigger.
Oh well, can't have it all right?

"Now, apparently, you can use this little record button to record off FM radio. Why the hell would you do that? I have no idea. But, it's there. So, if you want to hear some asshole DJ yelling over a bad song, you have the option." - Alf

Comedy. :lol:


Member (SA)
Thanks BMoney and everyone else. Don't forget, I'm still gonna make a proper video for this thing. Stay tuned....


Well-Known Member
Staff member
It actually seems like a decent product.... most re-makes of electronics suck. How much are these selling for?

PS, my wife works at Kohls :thumbsup:
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