In the wild...

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Member (SA)
...two new "members" for my collection:

Akai AJ-490FS and Panasonic RXC37 :w00t:

The Akai has DIN input for recording, can I use this input to connect an MP3 player? :huh: :huh:

If so I will have to get a cable DIN / RCA to use an MP3 player to it.
Panny works great, maybe i change the speakers for more bass (woofer and tweeter looks like new).

Both are ok with all the features, only 'less sensitivity to capture the SW bands (my Polyvox RG 800 aka JVC RC636L makes with maestry).

Let's see the face of my girlfriend when she comes ... :annoyed: :hmmm:

Pic is poor, because I need buy a camera (mobiles do not makes a great work with less light).




Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
that akai is soooooooooooooooooo interesting looking :drool: :-D

how does it sound ?

Above average, considering his size.
I need to test with an mp3 player, but for that I must get an adapter (DIN to RCA).

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