As always...good news and bad news.
It didn't power up, my exploring with my fingers indicated the switch wasn't in the right position, it had been forced back, once I pressed hard enough it came to life!
But only one channel... (the left)....
FM is strong
Tape deck works, although the door is ****y, doesn't seem to sit right and won't stay shut.
Record player seems to be loose in it's cradle, well it moves around a bit...wouldn't play an LP, but the motor is spinning.
I think it has potential to be saved. I have enough parts, it will require a tear down to a level I haven't done before, and I'm not sure how to do that, but I'm willing to try. I hope I can get the right channel to work, judging by the hit on the speaker, I'm thinking something is loose. I'll investigate further.
if I can sort the right side, I'm sure I can bring it back.