Important question, need input.....

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When do we decide that a boombox is better in parts than in whole?

As a collector I see potential in just about anything worth a dime when completed being restored.

Some people stay away from anything that has a scratch.

I have a 975 and a 935 that both need a little help, a couple parts, and some TLC.

I want to sell them whole, but I seem to get no interest in anything that "needs work" :-/ .

I thought about putting them up on ebay for someone to restore but I don't know if the buyer is going to part it out anyway and if that's the case, I have other 975, 935, and 951 boxes that could all use some parts so obviously I would fix mine first....

SO, part or sell whole?


Member (SA)
I have been looking for a Lasonic 935 for a long time....maybe I smell a trade for the Unisef??? :angelic:
PM me ;-)


I Am Legend
take out the parts you need --
then put them both on ebay with a 'reserve' thats ok $$ for you -

as long as the line-in and speakers/amps work well -
then you are offering 2 big rare lasonics in usable//fun condition-
they could be could deals for the daily beater crowd :-)

if --they never hit the reserve --then they are parts boxes


Well-Known Member
Staff member
^ true

I guess I will be swapping the best parts to each of my better 935, 951, and 975 boxes and selling this 935 and 975 as fixers in "line-in" working condition at least.

Matter of fact Ira, that is exactly what I use these for.... taking out in public for others to touch and play with and I don't have to worry if something gets scratched. I would call that "streetable boxes" :yes: . Amps, speakers, and most functions work to just go out and JAM with. ;-)


Boomus Fidelis
Those of you who restore boxes are "the vocal minority"

The "silent majority" are newbies, hipsters & scenesters who just want something that works, that they can go partying with.....

And then in between are people like me, who spray DeOxit once in awhile but that's the extent of their "mechanical abilities" :lol:

That is why "needs work" boxes don't fetch much money


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I bid on that 931 :lol: .

I'm suprized they didn't even get a $10 bid on it but that shipping is about $20 too high :-/ . They pretty much sabataged their own auction by doing that.... :nonono:


Member (SA)
I think when a box has alot of cosmetic damage but the internals are ok then its a good case for parting out.

However with my 767 it has cosmetic damage and some mechanical issues also.
If a member that had the talent to repair lived local enough to collect it could maybe be worth buying. But as i cannot repair and shipping to most members would be expensive i feel i have no option than to part out to try and recover some of the cash it cost me.


Member (SA)
I think when a box has alot of cosmetic damage but the internals are ok then its a good case for parting out.

However with my 767 it has cosmetic damage and some mechanical issues also.
If a member that had the talent to repair lived local enough to collect it could maybe be worth buying. But as i cannot repair and shipping to most members would be expensive i feel i have no option than to part out to try and recover some of the cash it cost me.


Staff member
blu_fuz said:
.......... but that shipping is about $20 too high :-/ . They pretty much sabataged their own auction by doing that.... :nonono:
I'm sure of it. Many buyers, myself included, simply won't bid on an auction where the shipping is perceived as too high, especially with respect to "parts" boxes. If a box is really desireable // htf, I might bid but only grudgingly and would always feel like I got ripped off on shipping.


Boomus Fidelis
They charge high shipping price because that way they can still profit even if the buyer returns the item.


Member (SA)
I like the "need work" stuff
that way I get them for very little cash :-D

Also there more high rollers getting into this collecting
so they want it like new with a 3 year warrenty. :yes:


Member (SA)
"When do we decide that a boombox is better in parts than in whole?"

interesting question. As an example,
I have two national rx7000s, and I could make one great boombox, leaving one for parts. However, I have decided to just keep them as is: they will travel through time together. Why? Beacause in another 20 years, they will probably be the same again anyway, needing restoration again.

I don't mind buying a box that needs work as long as the buyer states clearly what is wrong, including missing parts on the inside, missing screws, etc.

Last thought on parting a box out:
Using old car talk, an unrestored, all original classic is much more exciting to find than a barrel full of parts. So, if you don't really need to part it out...


Member (SA)
Kenpat said:
blu_fuz said:
^ totally agree :yes:

:agree: Make that three of us. I refuse to pay extortion. Won't even bid.

To me, it is more than extortion. A high shipping fee is a sign of a dishonest seller. If the overall deal is good I still may bid, but they will need lots of previous sales and also 100% feedback. 98% positive feedback is such a joke, very misleading.
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