I'm retrohead

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Member (SA)
hi everyone, my name is andy.im from west yorkshire, england-and boomboxes are my passion.been collecting a year and a half now,and ive had
panasonic rx 5600/5250/5104/
jvc m80/646
and loads more
currently i own
audiosonic tbs8900-my best
rx 5600-second one
sanyo-forgot the model number
sanyo m7750
marantz superscope mono
panasonic rx 5300
hope you all like the sounds of all that :-D


Boomus Fidelis
Welcome aboard Andy, you already have a great collection but now that your here it's only going to get worse, ahem I mean better. :devil: :devil: :lol:


Boomus Fidelis
welcome retrohead ,it looks like you already have some mighty fine boxes in your collection .


Member (SA)
cheers all-yes my collection has been good over the last year and a half-my current favourite is the audiosonic tbs 8900-conian h58 clone-it sounds and looks mean,is nice and chunky and was made for the streets-im sure-mine needs full restoration, but that woulnt stop me loving it :thumbsup:
all i need now is the audiosonics big brother-conian c100f :yes:
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