I'm Baaaaaaaccckkkk!!!! And as Bad As Ever!!!!

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Staff member
Before I say anything else...I need to put this out there.

There is a valued member here...Aaron (AZA), who was very patient with me, got caught up in a situation I could not seem to get control of, and therefore, wasn't given the treatment I have given other members in my dealings with them.

I was trying to send him a TRC-931. And due to unforseen circumstances, it got to be more difficult that I expected with customs and USPS. In the meantime, I had begun a downhill slide personally. It all came together in what seemed to be a perfect storm of sorts.

Regardless, I owed this man a fine piece of boombox history. He didn't get it. Not from me anyway. Then on top of that I literally fell off the face of the planet.

I have repaid him finally. Though he is only one I have let drift while owing something (no others on Boomboxery or s2g in this situation), though not owed anything, I did avoid family, freinds, etc., it is not an excuse. And I was absolutely wrong for it. :-/

To know me is to know someone who believes in pulling yourself up by your bootstraps and handling business. In this instance, I failed, and publicly apologize. No matter how much good we do, it only takes one instance to bastardize yourself. I did just that, and can live with it. And rebuild from it.

The aforementioned being said, there were some health issues that made professional and personal issues I would deal with as easy as walking seem like climbing a mountain. I was informed that although I am only 42, changes happen, sometimes suddenly without warning. This is what I had to adjust to. Kind of in the "Peter Brady Voice Change" kind of way. However, unlike a 30 minute TV show where everyone is happy at the end, it took me nearly six months. And I have no regrets about the journey. Because of it I have a new view of where I am personally. I have gray hair. (In speckles here and there...) And I am also a bit more bald at the front. My daughters say I look like I have a flap towards my forehead if I let my hair grow out. But it's all good.

Now...as far as my collection is concerned, it is, and will remain intact! I am settled in at my home away from home in Madison, AL while managing the construction of a 340,000 sq. ft. high school. (This is similar to what I was doing when I stayed in Montgomery, AL while doing a Life Science Building for Alabama State University.) My family is adjusted and all is good. My parents are OK, and extended relatives will no longer drag me down. I can't solve and won't solve everyones problems. I have enough to worry about.

So with all of that, I am back in balance. And God as always, is in control. If He weren't, you wouldn't be reading this now.

So sit tight and hold on...It'll take me awaile to "catch up". Given that at least 70% of the posts are probably Ira's, I can figure those as garbage and save myself some time. :-D

For the new mebers I have yet to speak to...Welcome Aboard! :thumbsup: For the old ones...good to see you, and I missed ya!!! :smooch:

And now to quote the famous Al Bundy..."LET'S ROCK!!!" :-D We're about to go on one helluva ride!!!! :thumbsup:

It's so WONDERFUL to see your words again here brother... WoW... What a fricken ride you must've had.... Welcome back home...

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Now, let's kick some ass and do some rhymin' !!!


Member (SA)
glad to hear all is well!!! the other vets have spoken highly of ya! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

.....and big ups to AZA for bein one classy dude through it all.....typical boomboxery member :-D


Member (SA)
Welcome back, Freddie!!

I'm elated to see you back and firing on all cylinders.
Great to see the storm's passed. Hope there's lots of plain sailing ahead, rocker.

Rock On.

Boom Shaka Laka

Requiem Æternam
Don't know you personally, but do know you're one of the pillars of this community. Welcome back! Sounds like you've sorted out some important stuff and are ready to start fresh. Fantastic! Go with God as you get back on your feet and continue your journey.


I Am Legend
devol-toni said:
Welcome back Oldie, glad to see that are u ok :yes:

its cool freddy --you didnt really miss too much around here-
just a few dozen NIB sansuis -

no worries --members have scored them all :-P :lol: :lol:

and i have the hi-rez photos for you ( for $$sale ) :drool: :drool: :drool:
:-) :surf:

shane higgins

Member (SA)
hi shane here iam a good friend of arron
i hope alls well for you now as here told me about some problems you were haveing
i was just as sad as he was not to see a lasonic as there very rare down here but maybe one day we will see one
i hope you stick around if only once a week untill alls good for you
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