I'm ashamed to say it....

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Lasonic TRC-920

Well, this weekend I came to a tough realization...

Much like allot of you, I travel with a radio every where I go. Much like allot of you, I have some radio's to choose from so I tend to rotate them and choose radio's that will best fit the situation that I will be in. AND, much like most of you I always think "Bigger Is Better".

But the last few times I was out I really struggled with the sear size of some of the radio's I have brought with me (777, 975, 935)

Me personally, I love the big blasters AND I want to have plenty of power should I "Need" to get up on the volume knob.

The problem I have been facing is.....I haven't had the need to get up on the volume knob :sad:

And, I keep ending up in situations where it is GREAT to have a radio with me, but the environment it too cramped or crowded to easily navigate the party with out risking damage to my baby.

There have been many times that I have brought the 920, SCR-8 or SM9990 and ran into the same problem.

So after this weekend I have started thinking....Maybe I need a "Small" radio! Something with good sound and a line in.

Believe me, if I was really getting up on the volume knob, I wouldn't even think of it. But the situations aren't calling for it. Allot of times I end up over at my bass players house after band rehearsal partyin' till 4am and we have music on, just not loud.

Could get by with out the need for 8 inch speakers.

Other times, we are relaxing with people, talking, music is in the background, not the main focus. Music volume is between 1-2.

So, I'm at a cross roads.....might be time to start looking at mini's :-/ :-O :'-( and put my aspirations of C100F's behind me and be more practical.

(yep, maybe it's time to sell the sports car, get a responsible four door and take that job offer from my brother in law over at the used car lot. Wearing a tie isn't so bad right???? He say's he can get me a deal on a toupee too! :lol: :lol: :lol: :sad: :sad: )

Your thoughts


Member (SA)
IMO huge box is worthless in most cases. Im using my panny 5180 most of the time and she is giving me more than enough :yes: . So yea - go for some mini :thumbsup: . You can put minis on the bag too. And some of them have pretty good sound too. Not so hungry on batteries. And finally- lack of "hey see how big is my weapon" attitude :lol:


Boomus Fidelis
This is a real nice one that gets up pretty loud plus lock Ipod or Iphone in place and uses 8D cells :thumbsup And under $100: :-O



Well-Known Member
Staff member
I've ran into the same problem brother........

Soooooooo, you need a Pioneer SK-550! :thumbsup:

Eh, actually that might be too big yet..... :hmmm:

Tough call :-/


Boomus Fidelis
known this for a long time that's why i have several of the smaller than mid sized panasonic rx series

like the rx 5025 which i have two of
the rxc 45 a great compact 3 piecer
the rx4930
rx 5050

these are the best carry around boxes i have and they sound great and are built well ,light and great on batteries .


Member (SA)
Go on the hunt for an Aiwa TPR-950.... Sounds like a million bucks (well, much like a Sanyo M9990, actually) and it will run forever on 6 D-cells... Classic look, great tape mechanism and fantastic build quality...

Line in works great, too.

Lasonic TRC-920

Ohhh Good, this thread wasn't met with laughter or degrading comments (yet) :lol: :lol: :lol:

Bill, I don't have an iPhone, but have heard you can plug any phone into that (correct???)

Floyd, I need to have me a look at those RX series radio's too. I see people talk them up often on here. Inputs?

Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one that has had this issue....and NO, I have no big radio's for sale :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :no: :nonono:


Boomus Fidelis
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
Ohhh Good, this thread wasn't met with laughter or degrading comments (yet) :lol: :lol: :lol:

Bill, I don't have an iPhone, but have heard you can plug any phone into that (correct???)

Floyd, I need to have me a look at those RX series radio's too. I see people talk them up often on here. Inputs?

Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one that has had this issue....and NO, I have no big radio's for sale :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :no: :nonono:

rx 5050
rxc 45

have line in .

the rxc 45
the rx 5025


Lasonic TRC-920

baddboybill said:
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
Bill, I don't have an iPhone, but have heard you can plug any phone into that (correct???)
No its just made for Ipod :blush:

Oh, that's a bummer....I use the new HTC Thunderbolt phone.

JVC Floyd said:
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
Ohhh Good, this thread wasn't met with laughter or degrading comments (yet) :lol: :lol: :lol:

Bill, I don't have an iPhone, but have heard you can plug any phone into that (correct???)

Floyd, I need to have me a look at those RX series radio's too. I see people talk them up often on here. Inputs?

Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one that has had this issue....and NO, I have no big radio's for sale :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :no: :nonono:

rx 5050
rxc 45

have line in .

the rxc 45
the rx 5025


Floyd, your speaking my language! I see the size comparo with the 920.

Which model is that one on top of the 920?


Boomus Fidelis
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
baddboybill said:
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
Bill, I don't have an iPhone, but have heard you can plug any phone into that (correct???)
No its just made for Ipod :blush:

Oh, that's a bummer....I use the new HTC Thunderbolt phone.

JVC Floyd said:
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
Ohhh Good, this thread wasn't met with laughter or degrading comments (yet) :lol: :lol: :lol:

Bill, I don't have an iPhone, but have heard you can plug any phone into that (correct???)

Floyd, I need to have me a look at those RX series radio's too. I see people talk them up often on here. Inputs?

Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one that has had this issue....and NO, I have no big radio's for sale :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :no: :nonono:

rx 5050
rxc 45

have line in .

the rxc 45
the rx 5025
[ Image ]
[ Image ]

Floyd, your speaking my language! I see the size comparo with the 920.

Which model is that one on top of the 920?

it's the rx 5025 i been using of of these almost every day at work for about 4 years. damn near the toughest box i ever owned it can withstand almost anything .

Lasonic TRC-920

Fatdog said:
You need the God of Minis - a Sansui FX-500. :yes: :thumbsup:


Floyd, That's a good price and it's close....when I get my shiat together, I may have to look one of those up. They are about $1.00 on yahoo Japan, but I have run out of time on that game!

I do have a Panny FM 45, but no line in


Member (SA)
I hear ya Chris. I got 1 mini left :smooch: a few mids, and a few biggees. It's nice to have the choice to Big up, or Small down as the situation requires. There are a few big sounding minis that would suit you well for those "Chill-axing" moments. You def. have some choices. You are not alone. ;-)


I Am Legend
jaetee said:
Go on the hunt for an Aiwa TPR-950.... Sounds like a million bucks (well, much like a Sanyo M9990, actually) and it will run forever on 6 D-cells... Classic look, great tape mechanism and fantastic build quality...

Line in works great, too.
and the sound is so good -
you wont have made a 'compromise '


I Am Legend
as for the tie
the toupee
the 4 door car
and the job
:thumbsdown: |-) |-) :nonono:

...wait about 10 more years :cool: :breakdance:
or 5 -- if you get $$ desperate :lol: :lol:

( however --there is a real good porsche now --with a real back seat )
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