If you had to show off one box to non collectors

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Member (SA)
Ok, you have to show of just ONE box to a bunch of non collector friends.
Do you go with the blingest, best sounding, loudest or biggest. Or something else?
Can you pull out a box with all the bells and whistles if it sounds crap?
Would a box that's mega-rare impress a non collector?
I already had this dilemma a little while back so i already have my answer :-D


Well-Known Member
Staff member
To impress, I go with as big as I can with the BEST sound. A lot of my 'blingy' boxes don't get shown off much because they don't really have the best sound. One box, the 777 I am ashamed of to bring out to show-off. It makes me sad because it has a lot of great things going for it but the sound is poooo.

I reach for the M90 first, every time.

Lasonic TRC-920


Many times I have stood in front of my wall of blasters contemplating this very thing and time and time again, I have pull the Lasonic TRC-935 down off the wall.

Lights, Bling, LOUD!

It has never let me down.

There are bigger radio's but the novice has no idea AND with my Blue Tooth mod, they are usually floored when they see me control it with my phone!


Member (SA)
Northerner said:
Only one?...better go for my biggest, best looking, and awesome sounding one then :-)
:yes: :agree:


Member (SA)
Great question, Dave :thumbsup:

Without a doubt I'd fire up the PC-5. Ultimately, it's only slightly better sounding than my Technics but the JVC is much better built than anything else that I own and it's that aspect of the heavy little beast that most of the friends who've seen it are immediately impressed by.

Northerner said:
Only one?...better go for my biggest, best looking, and awesome sounding one then :-)
That one worked on my ears although it was playing pretty quietly when I visited the legendary Boom Room. It's beautiful to look at too. :drool:


Boomus Fidelis
every box i have is seen by non collectors because i don't know one other person who i have not milked for any decent box they might have owned.otherwise ,i take my boxes on construction jobs hell my cheapest box usually is enough blow away whatever they might have .


Member (SA)
Northerner said:
Only one?...better go for my biggest, best looking, and awesome sounding one then :-)
Holy CRAAAAPP!! That's gorgeous & a rare one in such excellent shape!!!

Of course I would have to pull out the Jackhammer, DISCO KING Ghidorah!!


but if you are talking stock, then the NATIONAL RX-A2 is the most impressive looking boomer in my arsenal...no to mention 1 of the loudest & most feature packed behemoths ever made to run on D-cells....It even kills Conions handily in SPL soundoffs but the Conion 100 has a more HiFi sound that most people like more than the A2....



Member (SA)
Because of TV series most of the non collectors always look more on the Unisef (my TRC 931 wannabe)!
But if I have to show one of my big ones, the C-100F as usual!



Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
always a good discolite
Night show must be cool with some floyd on. Does that cd player play mp3 data also? I usually line in with ipod,pad,phone. But I need to by a mp3 data cd player (I have alot of data discs) Just curious because I am due for one.


Member (SA)
I have had a few boxes and I would have to go with the Panasonic RX 6400. To me, it's the best sounding consistent and constant power player. The volume just will not quit. Now if the 3 speaker TDK amps where throwing off more power... I would go with that. But the TDK is a good looking whore that comes up short. Cpl-Chronic I dig those sub handles. Very cool!!


Member (SA)
When I had this situation at work recently I went with my Rising 20 20.

Its fairly big but not to heavy, it has a fantastic classic look, loud enough with a nice warm sound, and in the case of mine its in great condition and fully working :cool:

It went down well :yes:
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