Hey guys...yesterday I got up and decided that I was gonna fiddle with one of my sharp boxes The rewind and fast foward was very slow in my 767z so I said it was time to fix...The only belts that I replaced was on a gf 8989 but my tires were cracked on that one so I took it to my guy for repair's...So I really wanted to tackel this on my own...first off let me say that fatdogs post on the 777 belt change was a God send.. it is a great accurate diy to doing this job so for that I say thanks..Well the result was amazing on this unit.. it's like brand new took some time but I was careful and just paid close attention to detail.. but the satisfaction of doing this job was the best part ....needless to say in the past day I fixed both my 767's the 1000 and all my 8 series of sharps...and each one is now working as good as new .....thanks