Idea - would like your input

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Member (SA)
Hey Guys, here is the 10 dollar garage sale find I have in earlier post - first pix is the orig - second is a mock up of what I am thinking about doing - I would like ya'lls input


now this below is the mock up



Member (SA)
Subtle, and subtle is good. Maybe the handle would also look good in black to match the theme of the modification? ;-)


Boomus Fidelis
Well I say if your keeping box forever then go for it but its not in bad shape. But for resale most people wouldn't buy it. Heck its hard enough just selling it for $10-$20 to a collector. Now if it was all messed up I would for sure say go 4 it. I know this unit is only worth a few bucks anyway ;-)

Bad Boy Bill


Member (SA)
For me resale value never plays a part in whether I will paint a boombox. If you think it looks good then go for it. I actually really like the black accents...I think it adds to an otherwise boring looking box.


Member (SA)
That is a Panasonic 5015. There are many like it, but that one is yours. So make it the way you want it and make it yours. :-D :-D


Member (SA)
Go for it! There's nothing to lose with a $10 outlay but I'd give the black handle a swerve 'cos it detracts from the accents waaaay to much.

*I hope you don't mind but I've saved a copy of the image for 'inspiration'!
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