ID the handle

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Member (SA)
Anyone know what this handle is from ?
Sony FH series or Aiwa perhaps ??



Cheers guys


Member (SA)
Thanks Retro, i have compared it to a few Sony FH series but no match
so far im afraid. Will see if someone has it or knows of it.


Member (SA)
looks like a handle from the bigger sony fh series.
they do have different handles for different fh models.


Staff member
It is a Sony FH-Series handle. Starting with the FH-7. There are may variations but all are of the same construction type. The thickness depends on the speaker frames. :-D


Boomus Fidelis
oldskool69 said:
It is a Sony FH-Series handle. Starting with the FH-7. There are may variations but all are of the same construction type. The thickness depends on the speaker frames. :-D
:agree: Definitely a Sony FH series... :yes: :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
oldskool69 said:
It is a Sony FH-Series handle. Starting with the FH-7. There are may variations but all are of the same construction type. The thickness depends on the speaker frames. :-D

Looks a lot like my FH 7 handle.....


Member (SA)
oldskool69 said:
It is a Sony FH-Series handle. Starting with the FH-7. There are may variations but all are of the same construction type. The thickness depends on the speaker frames. :-D

Yep, for sure. In fact it's FH-7 Mark I or II. Here is mine for comparison....


Radio 80's FM

Member (SA)
Pick that up today Aza??
Nice catching with you and putting a face to the name.
(SH!T, appart from my forum handle did I give you my secret ID???)
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