I took Pity on a Panny

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Member (SA)
Purchased a Panasonic RX-5050 as a plan B to sacrifice it for the volume pot if needed for my M90. It was sold as a parts box for cheap. Well it came today and I opened it up. Very dirty but the part I wanted it for (volume potentiometer for my M90) worked flawlessly and still has a nice stiff "feel" to the rotation. Tape player didn't really work and a slider knob was missing along with the rewind spindle on the tape mech. At this point I could envision my M90 singing like new again and me tossing this junker in the trash after the donor part was taken out.

The first thing I do to every box I get is take it apart because I don't want the possibility of "bugs" in my home. I get it apart. No bugs...That's good. Oh I see why the tape deck isn't working. 2 minutes later for that repair and a azimuth screw turn later the tape deck is singing and sounds good again. Hmm. I say to myself. Balance control isn't working. Psst..with my tuner cleaner. 2 twists of the balance control and that's back in business.

........you see where this is going?

So I felt Pity on this Panny and the next thing I know it's in the bathtub getting a scrub down. Got it back together and I have started to warm up to the little Panny. Yeah it's nothing compared to the M90 but for it's size with the Ambience selector switch on it really has surprised me.

I know. I have a soft heart but everything I touched on this neglected box just fell into place and wanted to work again. It was like the Librarian that once the glasses are off and the hair is down wasn't actually hard to deal with and look at. It just needed someone who cared :-)

Been listening to this RX all evening. Here she is all cleaned up. Everything works now except Rewind.

If forced I'll sacrifice it for the M90 but my plan A is to use the volume pot on the Chassis coming from Chronic. If that works heck I'll keep this box and take it to the beach and such. If anyone has one of these and wants to mail the rewind spindle shaft, clip and gear to me heck I'll fix that too while I'm at it...lol


Member (SA)
Those rx-5050's have really good sound. Its almost a big sound. I have one and love it. Mine also was a fixer upper. Had a stuck balance nob. Turned out someone had spilled a small bit of coca cola on it. So a few drops of hot water and viola it works again. Then I rebelted it and sprayed deoxit in the potts and e.q. Now she runs like a champ. Sounds awesome with type IV metal tapes. Also the dedicated line in feature works great for listening to CDs. Finally the FM tuner works great too I don't even have to put the antenna up to get stations. Yep, Panasonic made a fair few great mid size boxes.


Member (SA)
ralrein1 said:
Those rx-5050's have really good sound. Its almost a big sound.
Couldn't have said it better. Once you find the sweet spot (distance wise in a room) the bass is actually decent and your right...with High Bias tapes the highs are Very crisp


Member (SA)
I just picked one up a couple of months ago too in decent shape and they do make a nice carry 'round unit.

Yours looks in too good o shape to turf for just the one part so plan B with the chassis from Cpl is your best bet. Keep this and when you come across the other parts, finish 'er off !

A little 'pity' lovin' comes in handy now and then ! :-P


Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
nice save :thumbsup: :rock:
Thanks man. I'm not going to rule out smaller boxes. They're neat in their own way ;-)

duckman said:
I just picked one up a couple of months ago too in decent shape and they do make a nice carry 'round unit.

Yours looks in too good o shape to turf for just the one part so plan B with the chassis from Cpl is your best bet. Keep this and when you come across the other parts, finish 'er off !

A little 'pity' lovin' comes in handy now and then ! :-P
I agree


Boomus Fidelis
This is just like me...buy a box to use for parts then find I can't strip it as it still has life in it lol


Member (SA)
This story warmed my heart whilst providing me with my first laugh of the day, especially the "librarian" reference, so I thank you for this. :yes: :lol: :lol: :lol: If you keep this up you'll end up with an unforeseen collection of Pannies and still be searching for a potentiometer. :-D


Member (SA)
I like this box a lot, i don´t have one but i´d love to have one, they are not too common in Europe though. Aren´t these multi-voltage ?

Good save anyways, i hope you like this piece, perfect for taking to beach. :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
crazygamer said:
I like this box a lot, i don´t have one but i´d love to have one, they are not too common in Europe though. Aren´t these multi-voltage ?

Good save anyways, i hope you like this piece, perfect for taking to beach. :thumbsup:
You are correct. It has a multi-voltage selector on the far left side of the box. :yes:
MyOhMy said:
This story warmed my heart whilst providing me with my first laugh of the day, especially the "librarian" reference, so I thank you for this. :yes: :lol: :lol: :lol: If you keep this up you'll end up with an unforeseen collection of Pannies and still be searching for a potentiometer. :-D
It's always a pleasure if I can make someone's day :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
baddboybill said:
A Boombox save is always awesome!!! Great job and good luck finding new pot

Bad Boy Bill
Thanks Bill. yeah I'm hoping the volume pot on the chassis I'll be getting shortly will resolve that issue. Hoping to get my M90 back working or not within a week or two. I'm missing it in a bad way :-)
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