I Learnt A Valuable Lesson Today!

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Member (SA)
As most of you know, since I got the M9996 & went through the toil of repairing it etc, I haven't been up to much else in the stereo world

But then, I started recording more & more cassettes as my home setup is finally complete, the Technics cassette deck & also the Technics direct drive turntable are now fully integrated into the home hi-fi & computer setup whereas before it was get the table out, then the TT/tape deck etc - a lot of hassle

The technics direct drive cassette deck makes stunning recordings & allows you to push those VFD meters into the red quite comfortably without distortion which also lowers the floor level of noise
I only use Dolby B, it is what I am very used to & the results especially on the portable stereo's are very striking - sharp, detailed treble & nice bass response...........

This brings me to today's lesson (For Me) Don't forget to use as much of your collection as possible

Today I took the Crown CSC 850L out of my storage room & powered her up..............Have fallen in love all over again, these things are beasts & excel with a top notch chrome tape recorded on a decent deck
Am still amazed by the smooth low bass response that effortlessly rolls out of the two 8" woofers!! I doubt there's that many that can rival it especially as this is 36 years old

These are a thing of beauty & desirable in our world is an understatement - what a machine, even just looking at it makes me happy

I now realise I must bring some others out very soon............trouble is I have so many now & there is no sign of me slowing down - I look online daily as the addiction grows!! I need some more large stereo's, I have so many mini's (mostly Sanyo's)

I had my evening meal with the 850 earlier..............How crazy is that????
Sunday is CSC 950L day



Member (SA)
Even your dinner has a smile for the Guest! :yes: :lol: Look on the bright side, you could record a 'conversational tape' so you can engage in polite dinner chat. :-D :lol: :lol: :lol:


Boomus Fidelis
Absolutely...they should used and appreciated. I had all mine on display until I moved...most are now stacked awaiting the fitting out of the loft room and I hate that I can't see them all!


Member (SA)
Your absolutely right Nick, rotation is important else its easy to forget about those tucked away ones. In fact thanks to your recent raving about your new box i have taken my Goldstar off rotation and moved in:

This box is kinda special to me, it came from a member and was a difficult one to fix and rebelt, i was so chuffed when i finished and had it fully working. Everytime i listen to it i love it a bit more. And your right, no "listening fatigue" with these sexy mothers.
Your enthusiasm is infectious to Nick so thank you !


Member (SA)
I like to rotate through my collection, specifically playing tapes to prevent flat spots on idlers and belts. I've also found that auto-reverse decks can get a little "sticky" when they've been sitting unused for a long time.

Lesson: "If you don't use it, you lose it."

I think I heard that somewhere else before, too... :hmmm:

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to whip up some ribs for breakfast.



Member (SA)
I know that feeling and situation, as i don´t have too much spare space but my collecting will is fierce, i´ll house them in boxes and few ones on shelves as well, but the ones i´ve packed away will get some playing at least once a month because they don´t like to be sitting idle for too long, so i have 10-15 minute play on radio & cassettes to make sure they´re all cool and in working condition, also this activity makes me love them even more. :yes: Nice Crown anyways and those ribs are juicy :drool:


Member (SA)
Ive got one, and I must say the same the sound is excellent from this unit. I was well chuffed I got mine a few weeks ago. And it great looking as well with all the chrome. It's definite looker.

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Member (SA)
Saturday Evening, sod all on the telly

Time to bring a stereo out to play

Tonight it's the Sanyo M7735L six speaker radio recorder in red!!

Bought last year as a non working machine, it was easy to restore to full working order & treat it to new belts

Dunno how many of you have one of these?? Because they are quality & real performers - design is perfect, output chip is far more powerful than you would ever expect from a mini..............The front speakers have generous magnets & it shows when you feed it a good tape!! Very nice soft touch tape deck which is also very stable, they knew what they were doing back then!!
I love the sound, it's so detailed as well as delivering a full sound effortlessly

Think it's my favourite of the smaller mini's................




Member (SA)
Well this evening welcomed out of hiding my RT-S782 one piece stereo from around 1983 I believe!!

These are really nice little stereo's well made, manual level control, dolby & soft touch cassette deck with music search!!

Tweeters are very lively & detailed - My Samsung S7 Edge microphone struggled to capture what is really a very detailed sound & interprets it as sibilance - it isn't, in fact the sound is very nice & this stereo surprises me every time I feed it something new - it delivers crystal clear detailed sound with a nice bass!!!

If you haven't got one........................start looking
So worth it getting one of these!!

I paid 11 quid for this stereo
New belts & a deep clean that's all




Member (SA)
That´s a great looking Toshiba there, i mostly come across to lower end Toshibas but this one is a really good sounding looker ! :thumbsup:
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