I know this is pretty rare and desirable but REALLY?!

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Staff member
[ebay]130440330551[/ebay] Dayummmm

Oh, and to those of you for whom I ruined a great chance to sneak this beneath the radar and get a steal........... I guess the cat is out of the bag. Oops, Sorry. :-/


Member (SA)

Speaking of micro-cassettes, we found a large bag of em this week at the fleas, for 1$. :-)
I dont have a micro player though, and at those prices, I'm not getting one soon either. :yes:


Staff member
restocat said:

Speaking of micro-cassettes, we found a large bag of em this week at the fleas, for 1$. :-)
I dont have a micro player though, and at those prices, I'm not getting one soon either. :yes:

Hey Phil. Can you save me a couple of those mini tapes? I'm expecting a mini-cassette player, coming from afar and would love to be able to at least try that feature to confirm it works.


Member (SA)
Superduper said:
restocat said:

Speaking of micro-cassettes, we found a large bag of em this week at the fleas, for 1$. :-)
I dont have a micro player though, and at those prices, I'm not getting one soon either. :yes:

Hey Phil. Can you save me a couple of those mini tapes? I'm expecting a mini-cassette player, coming from afar and would love to be able to at least try that feature to confirm it works.
Sure, especially since they dont fit too well when I drop them in my M70 cassette door. Just kidding. :-)
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