I just gotta ask...

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Member (SA)
Okay, so I am checking out some Sharp GF 777 videos on YouTube, just to kind of check out features I might not be familiar with as I get to know my recently acquired one better and of course, you can't view anything boombox related on YouTube without stumbling across the one and only DM4U(James...). So, I don't knock anyone for owing a lot of whatever they are passionate about (Jay Leno and his cars comes to mind...) but geez. Did he win the lotto, or get an inheritance? I almost have to think he's sitting on these things and waiting for the value to top out, similar to stock trading! :huh: whats even more interesting / odd / unusual is he clearly states in some of his videos that everything is for sale and he even posts his number on one of the vids...

Of course, given recent eBay trends, I'd be hard pressed to dealt with anyone outside of this forum, especially since everyone I've deal with is way beyond cool (Lopez, Sin, Skippy, Fat Dog, etc...) but just wondering what this guy's story is... Not to mention, I've seen more than one cautionary story... :nonono: Just had to ask... :hmmm:


I Am Legend
my advice from experience -
is to stay far away from that ahole -- forever- :dunce: :thumbsdown:
even for free boxes with free shipping


Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
my advice from experience -
is to stay far away from that ahole -- forever- :dunce: :thumbsdown:
even for free boxes with free shipping

I hear ya, RBJ, I have heard similar stories... and believe me, I don't plan on going in that direction! :nonono:


Member (SA)
As far as I recall, he cashed his pension plan to buy most of his boomboxes. I don't think he even opened them all - I remember some unopened packages in one of his video. Now it appears that he has lost his job, so everything is for sale.
I bought my Sony CFS-99 from him years ago - it came as advertised, and I didn't have any problems with that transaction. I did have some issues with him a bit later - when I was selling one of my boomboxes - and he wanted to buy it, so he asked me to hold it for him for a few weeks, so he could save enough money. After weeks of waiting - I asked him if he still wanted it - and he responded that he didn't need it anymore, because he already had two of those. He bought them from ebay - and for more money than I was selling mine for. So that conludes my experience with him.
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