I have a friend who can Chrome any material any colour

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Member (SA)
Hey all I just thought I'd let you know i have a mate who runs a small manufacturing company in the UK and he has a setup that can apply a chrome colour in any finish to practically any solid object. So, if you have a beat up boomer that could do with some TLC, I'm sure if you posted him the shell he could do it to your colours... I'll ring him and see what he says & post back the prices/colours etc... (this is in the UK)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I have a M70 front case someone could buy and send off :yes: :lol:

I was going to have my M90 case cromed, but when it arrived I was happy to see the original finish was just fine...... Quote was $75 to chrome the front case.


Member (SA)
Waxer I think you and Bredgeo should hook up. Chromed knobs and sliders! :thumbsup:

You'd have the boombox crowd beating a path to your door :yes:


Member (SA)
Spoke to him last night he's spraying in real silver!

Turns out it's extremely difficult to chrome ANYTHING so watch this space, if it works, I'll post it!
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