I got my hopes up..

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Member (SA)
Saw this display at Wally World a few weeks ago, and tonight I noticed it was empty! So, I found the manager in hopes that they just throw these cardboard displays away..but, he told me they raffle it off to the employees.. :-(


Well-Known Member
Staff member
That would be really cool to have! Find the winning employee and strike a deal. :-D


Member (SA)
I figured could use it as an entertainment center or a headboard to a bed! Haha
Even the backside is a boombox back casing..
I thought about paying an employee to try and win it for me..:hmmm:


Member (SA)
Speak to the Big Cheese and the employees if you can and offer to make a charitable donation in exchange for it?


Boomus Fidelis
MyOhMy said:
Speak to the Big Cheese and the employees if you can and offer to make a charitable donation in exchange for it?
That’s what I’d do...guilt trip them :-)


Member (SA)
That is sweet! Would make a great display unit for boomboxes, you definitely need to 'persuade' a member of staff to donate the win to your charity!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
MyOhMy said:
Speak to the Big Cheese and the employees if you can and offer to make a charitable donation in exchange for it?
That's what I would do too.


Member (SA)
The boombox actually plays music too! The buttons on the upper right play a 15-second song clip. I can't remember the first two, but the 3rd button plays DMX "X gonna give it to you"


Boomus Fidelis
I would bribe the employees to make sure it fell into my hands.

That would make a kick-ass CD and cassette display Shelf.
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