I got a phone call from LASONIC

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Lasonic TRC-920

On April 26th I got a phone call from LASONIC. I came home to find “LASONIC ELEC” on my caller ID (see picture). Needless to say, I was bewildered. I checked my answering machine and there was a message from a man named James Wong and his number. I called him back and found out that my wife had ordered a radio from Lasonic but the delivery company had trouble finding my house (I live in the sticks). I was very surprised as I didn’t know she had done this (It was an anniversary present).

Aren’t wives great :w00t: :yes: :smooch:

Well, as I spoke more with James, it turns out that she ordered it from the Military Exchange in Okinawa, Japan. The radio that was coming to me was the classic black. Just for the heck of it, I asked James if they had any ALL WHITE i931’s in stock. He told me he would have to get back with me.

As many of you know, the ALL WHITE i931’s are a little harder to get in stores. You can get them on eBay.

James called me back, confirmed he had an ALL WHITE i931. He told me that in order for me to get the white one, I would have to cancel our original order. So I spoke to my wife, had her cancel the order and get a refund and then I would order directly from James.

So, today I called James back and told him I was ready to place my order….

But that’s not the end of the story…oh no…far from it…

I realized the other day that LASONIC is only a little more than 2 hours from me. I called James back and asked if it was possible to pick up my new i931 at the Lasonic warehouse. He told me that would fine. I then asked him if I could bring all my Vintage Lasonic’s with me for a photo shoot!!! He said no problem and that he would reserve the lobby and visitor showroom for when I get there!

I am taking the 975, 935, 918 and two 920’s with me!

So, this up coming Monday May 9th, 2011 I am driving to Lasonic Headquarters in Irwindale, California to meet with James, pick up my new ALL WHITE i931 and get pictures taken with all my Vintage Blasters there.

More to come….




Boomus Fidelis
Chris that sounds totally awesome :thumbsup: You are just gonna love that all white Lasonic. I have been wanting to get get the White and black trim one since I have the all white and an all black one :-D Can't wait for all your pics ;-) :thumbsup:


I Am Legend
alfie said:
Awesome!!!!! Cant wait for the pics man!!!!!!!!!!

:popcorn: :popcorn:

LOVE this story chris -
YOU made something HAPPEN :yes: :-O :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

so great to find out that some corporate people are REAL !!!!


Member (SA)
Chris this sounds awesome!!

I remember visiting Sony in the late 80's, and it was a great experience.

Can't wait to see the pics!! :yes:

Lasonic TRC-920

Thanks guys, I think this will be a cool experience and James at Lasonic was totally blown away that I would even want to do that. He was very welcoming!

Hey BadBoyBill, once you have the white/black trim i931 you'll need to get the ALL NEW i931 coming out this summer! All I know about it is that it will have a built in Blu Tooth receiver so you can broadcast from your cell phone, any cell phone. Not just iPhone's.

Yep, Monday is going to be bitchen! :yes:


Member (SA)
That's very cool Chris. You're one lucky dude. :chris920:

Looking forward to seeing the pics!


Member (SA)
Geezum Crow!!! This is like being invited personally to Larry Flynt's Hustler Headquarters!!!

Superexciting, Chris!!! Looking forward to hearing more!

Rock On.


I Am Legend
right !!
and monday is to far away -
tell him you are ready --TOMORROW !!!!

this thing is HUGE


bigger than 50 years ago -
when i went on a school tour of some candy factory -
and scored a free " good & plenty "


Gluecifer said:
Geezum Crow!!! This is like being invited personally to Larry Flynt's Hustler Headquarters!!!

Superexciting, Chris!!! Looking forward to hearing more!

Rock On.

i think its a lil different glue :lol: :lol: :lol: but yeah dont piss her of :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
Too bad one of those pics can't have a big "Boomboxery" logo in the backround along with "Lasonic." :hmmm:

shane higgins

Member (SA)
tell them me and this other bloke are ready to be there Australian importer and seller
talk him into making more boxes
we need to help you with a list of questions :sadno: :thumbsup:
ok first question can we have some stickers :lol:
who's got a question


Member (SA)
Yes, we need a Lasonic provider in Australia.
New Zealand already has a contributer - in fact, I was told that Australia would have the i931's by this year.....
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