How to screen-print on bare metal?

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Boomus Fidelis
Wondering how to restore lettering on metal trim. I assume that most metal trim has some type of clearcoat over it. Was the original lettering applied before or after this clearcoat?

I have a couple boxes where the metal trim has yellowed, or has ghost-like bubble images in it. I can only imagine that the clearcoat must have become discolored with age. I know some of you have re-lettered your boxes. Did you strip the metal down, apply the new lettering, and then clearcoat it?


Member (SA)
I've never done this, but if I was going to do it I'd probably go the rubber-stamp method alluded to by someone on here previously.

You can get brushed aluminium as a self adhesive veneer in sheets, I'd be removing what is on there then cut panels to shape and fit them.

The rubber stamp lettering method involved getting a rubber stamp manufacturer to make them up for you, or you can cobble something together from kits, and then using an enamel paint to put them on. Then this would probably need to be sealed/varnished.

Like I say, I've never done this, but am just waiting for the day I'll need to.

It depends how big the job is too, and whether or not the radio uses custom fonts or not as well.

Ideally you'd only be doing a section and not an entire fascia as doing anything besides letters and a couple of lines could be a very hard job.

Got some photos of where you plan on doing it, Reli?

Rock On.


Boomus Fidelis
Well, in my dream world, I have 2 ideas:

1) Take the entire top plate of the Crown 850, and strip it down to bare aluminum......polish it up real nice with a metal polish cream like Blue Magic.........Then apply new words/letters. Then clear-coat. Do the same to the cassette door.

2) Remove the entire metal trim on top of the TPR-950.......Anodize it dark gray, instead of that ugly aqua-green it has.........Then apply new words/letters onto it.
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