How to repair a torn-apart tape?

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Member (SA)
Well, what's the best way to do this? One of my colleagues at the kindergarten where I'm currently helping out asked me if I knew and I said no, but I know some guys :lol:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
If the tape is snapped in two, your best bet would be a splicing block and tape.

The easiest repair is if the tape and leader have been pulled out of the plastic reel.

Of course, if it's a commercial tape, it might be easier to just look for a replacement. ;-)


Member (SA)
Scotch taped, tap fixed.
Played both sides from beginning to end, I didn't pay close attention all the time, but it seems like it worked quite fine.


Member (SA)
If it was my tape, I'd dub it then toss the old one. For me, it's not worth the chance of messing up a nice cassete player with scotch tape residue. :grim:


I Am Legend
restocat said:
If it was my tape, I'd dub it then toss the old one. For me, it's not worth the chance of messing up a nice cassete player with scotch tape residue. :grim:

done that a few times :-)
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