This evening I was going to put a line in on my JVC RC656 as its a fab sounding box but desperately needs a proper line in. Well before I could do that I got a bit distracted by my pile of spare LEDs and decided to liven up those dull waffle grills
might do but still reckon it'll need play to be pressed on the deck to get power to the tape circuit. Need to blag a suitable switched headphone socket off a scrap box before I give it ago. But looking at it I reckon it'll be a doddle taking it off the tuner. Just easily distracted by bright lightsmtb_ed said:Show off! Will you try the tape side before committing to the tuner for line in?
Cheers mate It's a much overlooked box I's got a lovely sound to it, won't blow you away but is real quality. With a line in it'll be even more useableim_alan_partridge said:Good job Si, your an led fitting machine.
I really must do somthing with my 656, i was going to chuck it on ebay but cant make up my mind
Northerner said:might do but still reckon it'll need play to be pressed on the deck to get power to the tape circuit. Need to blag a suitable switched headphone socket off a scrap box before I give it ago. But looking at it I reckon it'll be a doddle taking it off the tuner. Just easily distracted by bright lightsmtb_ed said:Show off! Will you try the tape side before committing to the tuner for line in?
Cool, looking forward to seeing thatCpl-Chronic said:definitely very unique & sexy
Working on my 3rd RGB setup as I type this...It's gonna be a classic grail that looks original with stealth lighting. The only thing visible when off is the remote 'eye' behind the tuner glass.
Great idea. Just the same, it's Awesome!Reli said:Nice......But you should add a sensor to make it blink to the music