How Many CD Boomers With Line-In?!

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Member (SA)
I just made an observation this morning.
Having quite a few 1990's CD boomboxes I've noticed that all the 1990's models don't have line in,some have line out but not line in.
Now after 2000 for the most part that changed,Sony CFD-G55 in 2003' has it all!
As does my 2005 CFD-G500.
Line in,CD,Cassette.
Just a noticeable observation,how many of you have an older CD boxes with Line in?
I bet not many.😀😎😮🎼📻💳📟


Member (SA)
It's strange you should mention this at this time as I've been thinking of, noticing or looking for the very thing myself. Spooky.


Member (SA)
That's a pretty kool boombox! ^^^

Usually, Line-in was for CD player.. Some even say CD in instead of line or aux..
So, it would make sense that a cd box wouldn't have line in..

Obviously older boxes say phono in..


Boomus Fidelis
they shoulda just added it to most of the cd boxes because after the tape deck and cd players go kablooey you could plug a walk man into it lol.


Member (SA)
That 650 looks great!
Having the DT-680 is great but line out.
You see there are not many as the line in was usually used for CD!😀😎💳📟📻

Lasonic TRC-920

they shoulda just added it to most of the cd boxes because after the tape deck and cd players go kablooey you could plug a walk man into it lol.

Ahhhhh ha ha ha


Member (SA)
Hi there(said in a Freddy boom,boom Washington tone)the Panasonic rx-ds30 has a line in and line out.I would imaging the ds40 would have this feature too.These are very good sounding boxes,for just having a sweet,sweet tone slider and an XBS slider.They have a full,rich and some might say succulent sound.Just sayin'.:)


Member (SA)
ralrein1 said:
Hi there(said in a Freddy boom,boom Washington tone)the Panasonic rx-ds30 has a line in and line out.I would imaging the ds40 would have this feature too.These are very good sounding boxes,for just having a sweet,sweet tone slider and an XBS slider.They have a full,rich and some might say succulent sound.Just sayin'.:)
Good enough for me - they're now on my list!
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