Yes ...So most of us are married or at least have a significant other
How do you explain spending $100...$300...or even a $1500 purchase on a piece of history
Do ya Lie
Or do ya tell the truth
Or do you just completly hide the fact that you have an M90 stashed away at the office and still cant figure out how to break the news
These are all things each one of us as collectors must go through each and everytime we want to hit the "BUY IT NOW"...I will tell you what, in my last Marriage/ sex partner...what ever anyone want to call her (bi-ch)
I started collecting and the 1st box I purchased was a Panasonic RX5010...a reminder of a bbx that was my very 1st purchase in 1984 at Venture for $50
Anyway I was so worried about this $40 ebay purchase that I lied to not get 2nd degree!!!! Well that of course flubbed because thats when our divorce started...Yep she found out that I did not pay $10 at a garage sale but did in fact pay $40 plus shipping on ebay
Lesson learned always better to tell truth and take a spanking on da butt rather than getting a steamming cup of hot coffee slammed over the skull
That is the truth
So case in point before you lie think of consequences...because it ain't no fun sleeping on floor or dog house
Here are pics of that Panny that got me busted
So lets hear other cool stories

These are all things each one of us as collectors must go through each and everytime we want to hit the "BUY IT NOW"...I will tell you what, in my last Marriage/ sex partner...what ever anyone want to call her (bi-ch)

Lesson learned always better to tell truth and take a spanking on da butt rather than getting a steamming cup of hot coffee slammed over the skull

So lets hear other cool stories