How do you Explain your next BBX purchase???

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Boomus Fidelis
Yes ...So most of us are married or at least have a significant other :hmmm: How do you explain spending $100...$300...or even a $1500 purchase on a piece of history :-O Do ya Lie :huh: Or do ya tell the truth :sad: Or do you just completly hide the fact that you have an M90 stashed away at the office and still cant figure out how to break the news :lol:
These are all things each one of us as collectors must go through each and everytime we want to hit the "BUY IT NOW"...I will tell you what, in my last Marriage/ sex partner...what ever anyone want to call her (bi-ch) :lol: I started collecting and the 1st box I purchased was a Panasonic RX5010...a reminder of a bbx that was my very 1st purchase in 1984 at Venture for $50 :yes: Anyway I was so worried about this $40 ebay purchase that I lied to not get 2nd degree!!!! Well that of course flubbed because thats when our divorce started...Yep she found out that I did not pay $10 at a garage sale but did in fact pay $40 plus shipping on ebay :sadno:
Lesson learned always better to tell truth and take a spanking on da butt rather than getting a steamming cup of hot coffee slammed over the skull :thumbsdown: That is the truth :sad: So case in point before you lie think of consequences...because it ain't no fun sleeping on floor or dog house :lol: :lol: Here are pics of that Panny that got me busted :lol:
So lets hear other cool stories :thumbsup: :thumbsup:




Member (SA)
Well, everyone's heard my worst story about the second M70... We were kind of low on funds at the time... :-/ :no: :nonono:

If it's under $100 I'm pretty much OK. Anything over that and I really should have a chat. If I spent 1K or more without telling him, I would deserve whatever bad juju I had coming to me.

The truth is many of my gender would drop $100 on a pair of shoes, which I have only done once on a pair of running shoes. So, they most ladies have no room to talk IMHO.


Boomus Fidelis
You are better off without her. I mean seriously, who would make a big deal about $40 versus $10? You would have to be living on the streets to make a big deal about that.
In fact she shouldn't have even needed to ask. One look at that box should have told her that it didn't cost much :-P :lol:


Member (SA)
Reli said:
You are better off without her. I mean seriously, who would make a big deal about $40 versus $10? You would have to be living on the streets to make a big deal about that.
In fact she shouldn't have even needed to ask. One look at that box should have told her that it didn't cost much :-P :lol:

Seriously. Your life improved when she was gone... I'm sure of it.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
I never buy boxes from eBay. I get what I have in the wild and the most I ever spent was 100 bucks for a m70. My better half has brought home three boxes for free from her work. A m50 a super cool Viking blaster and a unused kaboom. Honestly I get the value people have in blasters but my collection is on the cheap. I have some nice units but I have spent what someone spends on a big grail for everything I have. Including all the other stereo and radios I have I'm only into it for a couple grand or less.....


Member (SA)
I am the sole "bread winner" in my house and my wife would give me the hardest time about a boombox purchase, so I started telling her "I borrowed this one from Norm". She figured it out when the boombox never left my shelf that it was mine. I just tell her the truth now because I pay all the bills and she buys a coach purse whenever she feels like it so when she tries to get on my case I tell her I will cut those credit cards in a million pieces if she ever questions one of my purchases again. I feel as long as I pay all the bills, I can buy what I want as long as the household finances are never in jeapardy... :-D


Member (SA)
I don't!! I've managed to sneak them in the house so far!! Bought one from Sinister I placed right in front of her!! I know it's bad but I love these things. I have at 3 that I managed to bring in the house!! And please don't ask me about the spare "boombox" speakers I've managed to bring in as well!! I just won some today brand spankin NOS!!! Aye yay yay if che vind owt me ing troble meng!!


Boomus Fidelis
Anybody that would flip over a $40 box that makes you happy does not have your interest at heart, your better off without her.
I can see some extreme exceptions like your practically living on the street and can't even afford to feed the family but other than that $40 to enjoy that kind of pleasure is a bargain. What else can you buy at those prices that would even come close to giving you that kind of lasting pleasure and satsifaction.


Boomus Fidelis
every time i see these hungry ,poor , homeless women and children it really makes me think how good i have it and what a waste of resources it is buying all these radio's and stuff when i already have more than i need .
there are people starving to death in the world and i'm sure they would be as happy with a slice of bread as i am with an m90.


Member (SA)
I do try to think about what I need and what I want when I purchase
a box.
I do pride myself with being lucky enough over the years to get
grails for pretty cheap!

I am finding myself questioning on how many boxes do I need?!

At around 130 I really have to be picky and really start to slow
down on buying!!!

I don't have anyone to tell me not to buy anything! Just pay the
bills and see what's left.

I may need Boombox anonymous! :-O :lol:
Well, I'm separated right now, but not because of boomers, I wish it were that simple...
But I guess things are getting better between Jerly (my wifey) and I...
I just got an SMS from her saying that she'd seen a tech shop near her mother's work
and asked if they had any boomboxes and they told her they'd look for some!!!

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


I Am Legend
good thread :-)

it is a struggle to explain to wifey why we $$ cant go out for lobster dinners, often -
at the exact same moment --
our UPS driver is delivering my box # 138 ...

there is always my same story about how these great 'investment ' boomers
will turn to $$ gold -- :thumbsup:
while the lobster tails turn to turds :thumbsdown:



Member (SA)
Im promising always to buy one box per month max. Some times promising for one on 3 months.... till the next catch :lol: But hey my gorl is cool - just received those tapes. Present from her. Love her :smooch: . Enjoying so much to unfold brand new reels :thumbsup:



Member (SA)
:-D Any purchases of boxes I'll track it and wait for the mailman outside to put in the storage and then bring it home unpacked making beleave is been there. :-P
Man I'm bad. :lol:

Lasonic TRC-920

My case might be a bit different then others because all the radios I have bought in the last year were in Japan and they all were shipped to my wife. As a matter of fact, when ever we argue on the phone, she says "Well, maybe I won't come home and stay in Japan with MY boomboxes". Of which I have to follow up with...."Yes dear anything you say dear, just come home with the radios!" :lol:

But, because of the way I have purchased them and they way the payment is made online, she see's the money coming out of our joint account. So no lying there.

Now, if she knew what I've already spent on the current recording with the band :-O :grim: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Boomus Fidelis
Great stories guys :thumbsup: just one other thing I want to add is that my Fiancé Jeannie has been a great sport about my addiction :hmmm: wait I mean collection :lol: She is always so helpful, and for some of you guys whom got the Conion Label, she was the one who did all the work on them :drool: She is da best :yes: :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
My sony cfd-5 arrived the other day. Fortunate ly my mrs was out so I took it into the garage, unpacked it and took it up to the loft where it now blends in nicely with the other 60 I a big believer in what they dont now dont hurt em....hahaha.

Anyway emmas pregnant again so giving me grief is the last thing on her mind


Member (SA)
My wife gets very upset if I DON'T win an auction for my personal grail......Panasonic RX-7700. She always hopes to see one in the wild for real cheap and surprise me with it. Shes a keeper for sure!!
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