How come you guys didn't think of this?!

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
I was at summerfest here in Milwaukee, WI and there was a vender there that had "sound activated light up shirts".

Lookie at this: (spectrum style at 0:45 or 0:58)

I had a sweet idea after seeing these!

I contacted the company about making a custom panel size that would replace the "fake" spectrum analyzer on my Wheely :thumbsup: . Basically pull off the fake spectrum analyzer and stick this in place. This would be a cheap upgrade for those with wheelies and the power can be tapped in from boombox (analyzer needs 8v DC).

Tell me what you guys think! I think it is better than having the fake one aleast.



Member (SA)
i probably wouldn't do a cheapo sticky mod like that to my wheeley.
on a good day, it's a $1,000+ box.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
My fake analyzer is starting to peel off a little, but I see your point..... After it was pointed out by other members that there was a fake spectrum on the AKA wheelys it just bugged the crap out of me. Even the real Helix Wheely is fake. The levels just move with the EQ sliders but stay stationary after they are moved :-/ ....... This mod can be reversed too.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
"Hi Joe,

Thanks for your interest in our technology! While your concept is interesting I don't think its something we could do as a custom project unless you were looking for several hundred. In case you are please let me know, otherwise you may want to try taking one of our t-shirts and modifying it to do what you have in mind. It might work!

Let us know if we can be of further service,


Michael M
T-Qualizer Support"


Boomus Fidelis
i had seen those t-shirts when i went on vacation to pr i was tempted to get it but dicided not too ,, they are really cool with the little box and 2 aa batteries i belive , that could be a nice project to try to add it to a boomer but you can only see it at night.. i belive there might be something on ramsey electronics as a kit that might so something simular :-)


Member (SA)
I bought one with the intention of putting it on my JC2000 a while back.
I got it the right size, but I couldn't work out the circuit on it and I'd apparently trimmed it back too hard and
broken the circuit.

This was a long time ago and I had very little concept of electrical gear then. As the actual
panel is so thin you need to use alfoil or something similar to reconstruct the circuit, but getting the backing
off and reworking this didn't seem like an easy job to me.

I'm certain it could DEFINITELY be done, but it's probably still requiring too advanced
electrical knowledge for me.

Best of luck, Joe!! Please post more on this if you continue with it!
At least the shirts are worth pittance now and you can experiment
with a couple.

Rock On.
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