It's true. Many, many, years ago, back in 1986 I bought a Hitachi 3D Superwoofer from Currys. The salesman persuaded me that an extended warranty would be a really good idea. So being 16 and open to new ideas (or dumb as f~%k) I signed up. I now had a 6 year warranty. How could I lose? Anyway, 3 years into my ownership I managed to snap some of the tape player buttons. This was ok as I could still play and record tapes. Time passed and more tape deck buttons broke. I was now the proud owner of a great big radio. So I boxed up the woofer and jumped in the family car with mum, dad and sister for the weekly schlep into town (remember when everyone had to go into town on the weekend to pay bills and do the shopping?). After queuing at Currys for what seemed like hours I was finally able to deposit my load on the sales desk. "Oh, we don't deal with warranty returns. You'll have to post it to the address on your warranty card sir". So I posted the box off, and it was gone for months and months and months. I still remember the feeling of chuffedness I had when the postman turned up at the door with a box that could only be my ghetto blaster. I opened the box and read the attached note. "Sorry, we were unable to carry out a repair as this model is now obsolete"!! WTF? Ever since that day I have not spent a penny more on insurance than was absolutely necessary, including PPI. It was a hard lesson for a teenager to learn, as I was actually daft enough to believe that the companies involved would do right by me. But hey, we live and we learn