Homemade Boombox

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Member (SA)
Here is a super-cool radio that was put together by a good friend of mine. The middle case and handle are made out of aluminum, and then he bolted a pair of Sony bookshelf speakers onto the sides of it. On the top of the case is a Sony car stereo (it currently has the face plate removed), and in the bottom is a power supply to run the car stereo. My friend has been using this radio in his shop for many years, and it sounds fantastic. Unfortunately, he passed away unexpectedly a couple weeks ago, but this awesome radio will live on in his memory. Just wanted to share this cool piece with everybody.



Well-Known Member
Staff member
I'm sorry to hear about your friend leaving us. :sad: That is a really ingenious unit. Am I weird that the first thing I noticed was the nice weld job? :lol: May it rock on for many years to come!

Is that a car radio antenna affixed on the top?


Member (SA)
Fatdog said:
I'm sorry to hear about your friend leaving us. :sad: That is a really ingenious unit. Am I weird that the first thing I noticed was the nice weld job? :lol: May it rock on for many years to come!

Is that a car radio antenna affixed on the top?
I think it's awesome that you noticed the welds. This guy was the best welder I've ever been around. Didn't matter if it was mig, tig, or stick.....he was the master at all of them.

Yes, that is a car radio antenna on the top. This thing has had multiple different car stereos installed in it over the years, and the antenna was used with the very first stereo he had in it.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Don't ever do something crazy like trying to update or upgrade that monster. :nonono: :nonono: :nonono:


Member (SA)
Thats a glorious machine and he would be so glad that someone is going to house his baby and make sure it blasts on.

I agree with FD, keep it as is :D

Condolences on your friend.


Boomus Fidelis
I could tell he put a lot of work into that metal chassis .that's how I would do it if I could. I love the pyramid power supply I owned a lot of pyramid equipment over the years I still have a soft spot for it. Pyramid was like the lasonic of car audio , they gave you a lot for your money. Rock on I love it.


Member (SA)
Condolences for your loss man, looks like a powerhouse indeed, blast it loud and proud in remembrance of him :-)


Member (SA)
Priceless man. You are the only one that has one like it. A keeper just the way it is :-)

May your friend live on with this one of a kind piece. God Bless.


Member (SA)
Thanks to all for the great comments! My buddy would be tickled to know that you're impressed with his creation.
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