Holy Moly....Just scored a Sharp GF-777!

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Hell yeah! :rock: :cool: Two things I love - road trips and boomboxes. :-D Was this a score off craigslist?


Member (SA)
Thanks, this is the 3rd GF-777 in the house. the first two were sold when I was on disability from work. This one works 100 % and might just stay.


Member (SA)
I COULD own one, if I wanted to throw out $1000 - that's the only 777 I've seen for sale here but it's a lot of coin !


Member (SA)
I love seeing these machines saved :yes:

Is there anything better in the boomer world???

These aren't my thing but just look at that thing - straight out of the 80's & all there!!

Wonderful find :clap:
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