Hitachi 8200 strap.

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Member (SA)
Now that's not nice :lol:

It sounds OK to me (but then I'm not a bass fan), I go for a clearer, cleaner sound :angelic:

Looks like I will have to make a belt myself.... Though stitching is NOT my thing... :hmmm:


Member (SA)
I'm only f--king about - a massive boombox is gonna look hench on a shoulder strap - maybe a slight whiff of metrosexuality, but i'm sure men like us can pull it off :yes:

Don't get me wrong - these old TRK's look immense :-)

I bought one and the 8600

But both of them suck at decent music reproduction :annoyed: :hmmm:

horses for courses n'all that squier


Member (SA)
You might be right,

But it will look dope sitting in the back of my VW Van :sin:


Might have to look for a 8600 now ;-)


Member (SA)
They turn up a bit on ebay UK

Not that pricey - ie no more than 75 quid

And absolutely lovely in it's 3 way splendor

I can forgive the bass shortcomings

You may want to put the Sharp in your Type 2

Unless you want the Hitachi there coz it's a beater

in which case as you were - I use my "beater" for photoshoots



Member (SA)
Given the lack of power in my Type 2 the sharp might just tip it over the edge.


Also I sometimes wonder how tempting a GF767 might be to a 'happy go lucky' festival goer :hmmm:


Member (SA)
what you got?

Low light bay (pre 72)
High light bay?

std 1600cc - or you got a cheeky 1641cc in there?



Member (SA)
Got a 78 Bay. 1600 Stock with a webber carb.

Speed = not lots
MPG = not lots
Cool Factor = lots

Driving up to Perth for the 80's rewind festival at the end of the month (800 mile round trip), so AA on standby.

Looks like the GF767 will be making the trip, but would like the 8200 as a standby.

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