Hi res picture needed

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r o y a l ®

Member (SA)
Hey fellas,

Please can someone post a hi res (120 dpi+) image of either a :

sharp gf 9191

aiwa tpr950

crown sz 5001

it is for a 40ft backdrop for the band royksopp

thanks guys



Member (SA)
r o y a l ® said:
Hey fellas,

Please can someone post a hi res (120 dpi+) image of either a :

sharp gf 9191

aiwa tpr950

crown sz 5001

it is for a 40ft backdrop for the band royksopp

thanks guys


I have some hi res pictures of these.

(Crown sz 5001 doesn`t exist. must be a crown sz5100
but an unisef
sz5001 DOES exist .)
I could send them per mail.
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