BoomBoxDeluxe is in da House.
Massive respect goes out to FatDog for setting up the place, and for Walkgirl coming over to my forum to tell me about this place that is for the love of the boombox.
Right about now, my Sharp QT-90 is playin' some choonz.
For those that knew me at S2G, I have been waaaay too busy with other things to get back on there, and I miss the place.
I am now involved with an electricity generator known as the SEG, and this generates electricity without fuel or dangerous effects. Its not my invention, but one of Professor Searl's. I am on his team, designing certain aspects of the SEG's electrical system.
These days, my boomboxes don't get the attention like they used to. I haven't whipped out my VZs for over a year now.......I have too much going on with the SEG to get them out, set them up and play music on them.
My heavy hitter GF-777 still gets the opportunity to exercise its woofers on the odd rare occasion, but again, not as much as it used to.
Really though, if we get to pull off this whole SEG thing, it'll be the end of the electricity bill as you know it.
YES, REALLY! Buy a SEG, connect it and forget about it. No fuel, no maintenance, no emissions.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
I'll close this mesage now, and hope to get back into the whole boombox thing soon.
If you knew me at S2G, then please say HI!
I will have to get permission from FatDog before I can post a link to the SEG's website and chat forum, as I don't want to come accross as being a spammer.
Soon, I'll try to get some pics on here of my boomers.
Take care everyone!
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.....Its all analog, baby!