Hey dudes

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Member (SA)
I purchased a few boxes from members here, they told me about the forum. And now I'm hooked. Already found many pearls of bbox wisdom and can't wait to access for sale zone!



Well-Known Member
Staff member
Welcome aboard, Sean!! You are in good company in Australia. Some of the top collectors live there.


Member (SA)
Hey thanks guys. Yeah from the collections I've seen posted on here I see I've got a lot of catching up to do. I'm not adverse to buying a NSW box, a couple of smaller ones arrived from up there yesterday. Thought I better give pulling something not quite so precious apart for cleaning apart before I delve into my VZ. :hmmm: Practice makes perfect right?


Member (SA)
i've gotta have a go at cleaning and stuff sometime too - no skills in this area though.
which vz is it? the 2000?


Member (SA)
hey, I have a VZ 2000H that I need to do the turntable belts on. I had a go at pulling her apart with some strip down instructions I found on st2go but maybe that guy assumes I have more electronic skills than I do. It didn't come apart as easily as expected and I got scared and put her back together. May have to enlist some help on this one I reckon.
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