Here It Is The Wall Of Boom! And Pioneer Section!

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Member (SA)
Hi everyone-Here's some of my boomers,The Wall Of Boom!
This is just some of my collection as this is just in my bedroom! :cool: :yes:

There are many grails hidden behind the 4 deep layers! 777's,767,& others! :surf: :thumbsup:
Then on my other side is my Pioneer Section! :cool:

Don't laugh guys,the stuffed animal serve a purpose as the keep my boomers straight and keep from falling on each other.
I also use new bath towels for protection until I get a bigger place with shelves.

I'll post others by next weekend.
Enjoy & sorry about the lighting,just using I-Phone.
Have a great week-Jeff. :-) :yes: :cool: :surf: :thumbsup: :breakdance: :cool: :-)









Member (SA)
Wow Jeff :-O You have some real nice ones. I've heard you speak of a few. Now, I get to see some of them very cool. :thumbsup:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
If I had no wife/kids, my collection would be stacked 4 deep in every room! :thumbsup:

:yes: :lol:


Member (SA)
Very nice collection there

your a better man than me...towels or no towels I could never stack on top of an M-90 :nonono: LOL


Member (SA)
Thanks guys!
Sorry about the fuzzy photos,I forgot to turn my flash on auto!
It was turned off!
BTW-there are 10 more boomers I'n the room that are on the other walls! :yes:
I'll try to post some more by the weekend.
When I get a bigger place I'll have much more displayed!
Guess what's I'n 80-90% of those boxes? More boomboxes all nicely
packed with padding for protection! :thumbsup:
Have a great one guys,I'm about to party a little as it's my birthday today!! :yes: :surf:


Member (SA)
I love those Sanyos with the big VU meters :w00t: Many mighty fine boomers in the room of boom!

Happy Birthday!! :beer2:




Member (SA)
Thanks so much guys!! I appreciate it!! :thumbsup:
Listening to some Naked Eyes on the Pioneer SX-V90
right now through my JBL speakers!! :dj-party: :dj-party: :surf:
There are some nights where the Boombox just isn't
Later tonight some old Perry Mason & a Frankenstein
or Mummy movie!! :frankenstein: :frankenstein: :scream: :ghost: :ghost: :jacko: :dog: :cat: :thankyou: :thankyou: :choco:
I'm having a great birthday!!
Thanks again!' :-) :yes: :cool: :surf: :thumbsup: :choco:
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