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Member (SA)
so i have a GE 4CM3326X Stereo boombox TV and today i decided i wantd to connect the tv to my cable box for the first time and when i switched it to the tv i noticed it didnt turn white like it usually does i tried switching the batteries around! i dont know what it could be! i even tried a cord with low voltage to see if it would turn on and nothing! someone please let me know what they think!



Member (SA)
DjMassacre said:
so i have a GE 4CM3326X Stereo boombox TV and today i decided i wantd to connect the tv to my cable box for the first time and when i switched it to the tv i noticed it didnt turn white like it usually does i tried switching the batteries around! i dont know what it could be! i even tried a cord with low voltage to see if it would turn on and nothing! someone please let me know what they think!]

Could be the TV switch needs to be cleaned.

What do you mean when you say you used a cord with low voltage?


Member (SA)
k2j said:
DjMassacre said:
so i have a GE 4CM3326X Stereo boombox TV and today i decided i wantd to connect the tv to my cable box for the first time and when i switched it to the tv i noticed it didnt turn white like it usually does i tried switching the batteries around! i dont know what it could be! i even tried a cord with low voltage to see if it would turn on and nothing! someone please let me know what they think!]

Could be the TV switch needs to be cleaned.

What do you mean when you say you used a cord with low voltage?

I mean it wasnt the required voltage it was lower


Well-Known Member
Staff member
If you used a cord plugged in to the AC outlet, voltage won't matter. However, if you used a DC adapter set at say 9V and the boombox needs 13.5V, then yeah, the TV might not have enough power to turn on. Just a thought.


Member (SA)
Bill i cant see the post cause im new but i love tv boomboxes they are my favorite im interested!

And my box needs a dc 15.5v


Member (SA)
May be obvious, but be sure to get the polarity correct too.. So whether the dc adapter has positive or negative middle should also match players input....
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