I'm a long time lurker, and lifelong California resident. I've had an account here for a while, off and on, but never introduced myself. It's about time I said Hi...
My boom boxes over the years:
Lasonic LPC-83, bought in Baja in the spring of 87. It turned out to have a bad tape head, which explains why I got it so cheap...
Samsung PD-65, bought a few months later.
I got bored, did some drilling, and attached the Lasonic underneath the Samsung as a "booster". It was a little awkward but fun.
Lasonic TRC-931, bought in 1988.
JVC PC-25, given to me by a friend in late 1988.
Epsilon EP-007, bought in 1990.
What I have now:
Lasonic 931-BTQ ("Tron" version), bought almost 3 years ago.
Dynasty HK-9000, "inherited" recently from the same friend who had given me the JVC.
I'm a long time lurker, and lifelong California resident. I've had an account here for a while, off and on, but never introduced myself. It's about time I said Hi...
My boom boxes over the years:
Lasonic LPC-83, bought in Baja in the spring of 87. It turned out to have a bad tape head, which explains why I got it so cheap...
Samsung PD-65, bought a few months later.
I got bored, did some drilling, and attached the Lasonic underneath the Samsung as a "booster". It was a little awkward but fun.
Lasonic TRC-931, bought in 1988.
JVC PC-25, given to me by a friend in late 1988.
Epsilon EP-007, bought in 1990.
What I have now:
Lasonic 931-BTQ ("Tron" version), bought almost 3 years ago.
Dynasty HK-9000, "inherited" recently from the same friend who had given me the JVC.