Hello from the UK.

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Member (SA)
Hello to all of you like-minded folk from me. I'm John, 48 years of age and I stay in the far North Eastern corner of England, just a little way sou' west of the Scottish border in the barren wasteland that is Northumberland. (OK, it's actually lovely here but it's never been cool to admit as much). ;-)

As well as the massively heavy yet physically ultra-slim gem that is the box that gave me my forum handle, and the massively heavy but not even slightly slim, leatherette and wood extravagance that is my 1974 Hacker RPC1 cassette Sovereign (mono), I have a few others, including a well-preserved Technics SAC-05L that I've owned since it was new, 30 years ago. 18th birthday present from the parents that was, it's not been reliable by any known definition of the term but I love it and besides, I restore stuff like it for enjoyment. I now know that there are others similarly afflicted. :-)

I'm looking forward to posting on here, it's a good place to be by the looks of it so far.

Now, where can I post piccies I wonder? Assuming anyone wants to see the most diverse machinery from my collection. :-D


Member (SA)
Thanks for the warm welcome. I'm liking this forum more by the minute, there are some amazing boxes to :drool: over on here. :-)

Loving the RF-5310 in your avatar pic!


Staff member
Welcome aboard! You have some good stuff from what your telling us. Post pics in the collections section to show off. :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
:hi: Welcome to the site John!

I'm an expat Glaswegian plying my trade in Sydney now...........
Would love to see what radios are floating around back home in the North.......


Member (SA)
alfie said:
:hi: Welcome to the site John!

I'm an expat Glaswegian plying my trade in Sydney now...........
Would love to see what radios are floating around back home in the North.......

Hi Alfie. Well at least 200 of those floating radios are living with me, many of them restored to safe, working order and displayed ready to take their turn in daily use. :blush: Few of that number are items that could be described as boomboxes though, since apart from my B&O and my Technics boxes, this type of equipment is a relatively new area that my collection seems to be taking.
Previously, I collected things such as this:

(Bush TR130, this rare red one from 1968)


(Hacker "Jade" Sovereign MK3, another rarity, most of these had bare wooden ends and black vinyl on the front and rear panels)

And this:

(Inside view from the back of my green Roberts R66, a battery/mains valve set made in 1956. No, the original batteries aren't made these days, those are replicas that use 10xPP3 in the high tension supply and 2xC cells in the LT for the valve heaters)

I'd better quit posting non-boombox images though. :blush:
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