Hello from Oslo, Norway

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New Member
Hi everyone!
I’m here to learn... I got the cassette bug two years ago, and now I have several fine cassette decks in my system. Recently I got the boombox bug too. I don’t own any.. yet. That’s why I’m here, to learn and find «my boombox». I got my first portable cassette player in 1975 and my family gave me my two first cassettes, The Dubliners and Abba - Ring Ring. I was into cassettes from the 70’s and the 80’s then they disappeared for me.
I also were around various boomboxes during this time but don’t remember any specific model. Maybe it’s nostalgia, but I just think cassettes, decks and boomboxes are so cool! Looking forward to my boombox journey. Starting here and now!:-)


Member (SA)
Best regards and welcome,Lateboomer.
Otherwise, I'm more of a newcomer here, and not talking around about it ...lol
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