Hello everyone! I started looking for portable and battery powered turntables a few years ago. It didn't take long and I stumbled across boomboxes with integrated turntables – I was floored! As a vinyl lover it is important to me to not damage my records too much so I narrowed it down to only search for portable turntables and turntable boxes with lighter MM-cartridges. I thought that would keep my target range small – boy, was I wrong! It didn't take long and now I pick up all portable music gear if I run into it, no matter if MD, Cassette or vinyl. Have a look at my Instagram if you like: @batteriesincluded_pb
I recently picked up a Sony FH-204 I am having problems with. So I am off to the tech section!
I recently picked up a Sony FH-204 I am having problems with. So I am off to the tech section!
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