Hello from CA. Any info on Sharp RD-688AV?

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Staff member
It's basically a pro type cassette tape recorder/dubbing device. No radio, No batteries, not a boombox.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Welcome aboard, kengulo. :-)

Yeah, it's not really a boombox without the radio. It was marketed more towards the professional field as a straight recorder. One really cool thing though... You could hook up several at one time and have them all synchronized essentially giving you a multi-track recording studio. :thumbsup:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
kengulo said:
Thanks for the replies I'll be on the lookout for one with a tuner.
Sharp made several in that style with tuners, but they don't have the ability to synchronize to each other. They are true boomboxes. The model closest to the RD-688AV is the GF-666. Older models in that style include the GF-555 and the GF-515.

By the way, the RD-688AV had a retail price of $650 when new. :-O :w00t:

Here's a link to a Popular Mechanics magazine on Google Books:

http://books.google.com/books?id=h9QDAA ... av&f=false


I Am Legend
welcome kengulo --
get one with a tuner --
then you can record your tunes off the radio -
and have a real boom :-) box


Boomus Fidelis
welcome to the site :yes: :yes:


if you find one of these then you are good to go.....gf-555
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