Hello All

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Member (SA)
Hi, I've been lurking the site for a while, and over at the s2g one as well but I haven't posted on either until now.

I love boomboxes, but didn't really have the money to buy them until recently, so for a long time I just used my Sanyo M4200 which is ancient and battered but still a nice little stereo box to haul around.

Recently I got a Hitachi TRK-8200E, which I am thoroughly delighted with, although the tape deck doesn't work, which is not a biggie as I mainly run it on line in with an iRiver.

I also have a TRK-8080 which is currently being shipped to me, again the tape deck isn't functional but again this won't be a massive problem, although if it's easy/cheap enough to fix I may do it for both boxes at some point.

I will post some pics once I get the 8080, and some good weather (don't hold your breath on the latter as I'm in the UK :lol: ). I like to use my ghetto blasters as functional machines- I love the response they get as provided your not blasting out something terribly offensive, people tend to love it. I regularly take mine on the parks around Manchester and have had comments such as "Power to the People!" as well as people dancing when they walk past!

Some people don't 'get' why I like them so much- they say "if you spent a bit more you could have an iPod", but I don't think they appreciate how good it is to share music! Anyway I'll post my collection once the TRK arrives (bar the sanyo which is not with me at Uni).

Cheers for reading my massive intro thread!



Boomus Fidelis
Welcome Kerotan, right now this site is an awesome collection of some of the coolest boombox collectors on the planet. Hang out, loosen up put your goofy hat on and join us because this is a great place.

Doesn't matter what boombox you have just as long as you share the passion and are a cool character your welcome here. Most tape decks don't work any more so buying a boomer with a bum tape deck is common, sometimes it's an easy fix sometimes it's major.

Boom Shaka Laka

Requiem Æternam
Welcome Kerotan!! :thumbsup:

Glad you decided to come out of the shadows and introduce yourself. If you've just begun collecting, you've come to the right place. All the support and encouragement you'll ever need is right here. Look forward to your photos!

P.S. By the way... what's it like living in such a famous city?... home of Morrissey and DI Sam Tyler ("Life on Mars"). :-D


I Am Legend
:thumbsup: kerotan

"if you spent a bit more ........." :-D
thats funny

one fun we can all afford is to post here and enjoy this place


Member (SA)
Welcome to boomin' mad house!!!!

Hitachi's have that wicked oldschool boomer look for sure! Good choices there!


Member (SA)
Thanks everyone for the warm welcomes! :-D

@ jaetee: yeah one of the first things that drew me to the 8200 was it just looked so solid- and I wasn't disappointed the plastic is so thick it's built like a tank! (Although I am doing my utmost to keep it in good nick!)

@ Boom Shaka Laka: Manchester is really cool, I think the city has some great cultural heritage, and there's loads of cool events going one- I am learning saxophone and want to buy some decks so hoping to get involved in the scene at some point. As for Life On Mars, some of that was filmed where I grew up down the road in Bolton! I'll get some photos of Manchester if anyone is interested?- I'm no ace with a camera though!


Member (SA)
heres to you and your boomboxes roaming around and about manchester man.
ipods are great for storing a bunch of music,but really the people that are really into music are not so into the ipod as sharing music.
how can you share music with a ipod.
whats the fun of having a party without a nice loud device for listening to music.
i guess everyone could put on there ipods and dance to there own tune.
so yes keep them guessing why you love boomboxes. that way the secret wont get too popular that you cant find a boombox second hand anymore.

welcome to the site Kerotan.
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