Happy B day to me.....

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Boomus Fidelis
I've been wanting one of these for quite a while. Its a Mona MS3030.
It is my 41st. Birthday today and I got this from Canada in the mail today so Happy Birthday to me....... :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
Happy Birthday Skippy!!
Nice B-Day box!
Mines next saturday & I have adecent Sanyo M9998 coming!
Hope it get's here by then.
Have a great B'Day!-GB. :-) :yes: :hbd:


I Am Legend
i am in agreement with don :yes:

ok -
hope some clown here asks... 'how does .............................' ???


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I went to the grocery store and told the manager that it was Skippy's birthday today and asked if they were still giving away free peanut butter. Needless to say I walked out empty handed. :lol:

HB, Skipper! I wondered who got that one. I was seriously thinking of going for the silver version, but missed out.

How does it sound????


Boomus Fidelis
Thanks for the kind Birthday wishes everyone! :thumbsup:
I think this Mona sounds pretty nice. It sounds better than a JVC PC11JW but not as good as a PC55/PC550. (IMHO) :hmmm:
It is pretty well built an it was built by Rising.
According to some stickers and some stampings on the back of the speaker magnets. :cool:
I realized when I looked at it closely that the slider covers were on upsidedown......... :hmmm: :huh:


Staff member
Congrats Skip and Happy Birthday! :-D

I was going for that one with an offer but you hit the BIN! Seems like a nice box. :yes: Keep me in mind when you get the hankering to sell... ;-)

BTW...Let's see more of the cup to the left in your pic! :w00t: :lol:
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