Hanging out with Superduper...

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Member (SA)
I had the chance to hang out with Norm today, and as usual it was a fun learning experience. The main reason for my visit (although looking at his vast collection is enough) was to pick up my M90 for repairs that were done and to swap out the slider panel on my M71.

When I arrived at his office to my surprise he brought along a pristine Sharp GF777 for me to play with.... :thumbsup: ...I had never had a chance to spend time really listening to a 777 and I took the opportunity to take it for a spin. I had never truly been sold on the 777 but the sound and clarity are quite nice. Listening to soft rock and Christmas tunes (tis the season) I was pleasantly surprised by it's sound. Thanks to Norm it has been added to my short list of must haves... :-D

Now back to why I was there in the first place...I had two issues with my M90, slow tape deck play and no AM or SW band reception. Norm replaced the belts and adjusted the tape speed and demagnetized the tape heads and it sounds beautiful! To repair the AM/SW reception problem he replaced the intermediate frequency module and now I have a 100% fully functioning M90!!

The M71 had a problem with the Treble slider not responding and also the volume sliders seemed to have low volume output. Once Norm installed the new slider assembly the difference was amazing! The volume, warmth and clarity was fully restored and the controls are as smooth as silk.

I must thank Norm for being a great friend, keeping my boomboxes in tip-top shape at a VERY reasonable cost, continually educating me on quality boomboxes, and allowing me access to play with his vast collection!! It is truly a blessing to have a friend like Norm....oh and did I mention, :thankyou:


Boomus Fidelis
Cool Melly, Norm sounds like a great guy. :surf: I am also waiting on rebuilt sliders for my m70 :thumbsup: hopefully he gets mine tomorrow :-D


Staff member
mellymelsr said:
..........It is truly a blessing to have a friend like Norm....oh and did I mention, :thankyou:

Thank you Melvin. I enjoy a nice boombox as much as the next guy, maybe even more so. But the truth is that without people to talk to, share, compare, gossip, rag on, root for, celebrate, hang out, and fellowship with, the hobby can get lonely quite fast. Sure, boomboxes can talk -- music. But that just isn't a good substitution for intellectual stimulation or conversation. I am so grateful to have made many actual "live" friends via this forum..... I say live as opposed to virtual. There are many of you that I have never met in real life, maybe never will. Some of you, I intend to meet. Maybe not next year, maybe not the year after.... but it's a goal. Some of you, I've had the pleasure of doing transactions with. I hope all has been pleasant.

Anyhow, thanks again Melvin for the timely plug and have a great Christmas Holiday.


Bill, your slider board is still in limbo -- as of today, anyhow. Hopefully, it will be here friday cuz UPS doesn't work weekends. But rest assured that as soon as I get it, it'll be on it's way back pronto.


Member (SA)
baddboybill said:
Cool Melly, Norm sounds like a great guy. :surf: I am also waiting on rebuilt sliders for my m70 :thumbsup: hopefully he gets mine tomorrow :-D

...you will be VERY pleased with Norm's work, I can assure you of that. It's because of Norm that about 95% of my collection is 100% operational (I haven't had a chance to get him the other 5% yet)...but seriously, his work is truly amazing.


Boomus Fidelis
that is awesome melly and thanks to norm as always for a great job,,, just hoping he will make a trip to see us in florida :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :lol: :lol: :lol:


I Am Legend
monchito said:
that is awesome melly and thanks to norm as always for a great job,,, just hoping he will make a trip to see us in florida :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :lol: :lol: :lol:

spot on for ramonchitoburrito -- :-D

even if we all have to move the entire sunshine mix to frisco -

it must be required -that all deserving members meet norm :thumbsup: :angelic: :breakdance: :super:

Lasonic TRC-920

Great Thread! I really enjoy reading these. There is no doubt this forum is lucky to have Norm's knowledge as a well to pull from.

Maybe one day I can get up to see you Norm. I'm only a few hundred miles south!


Member (SA)
That is great!
Norm's a great guy!
He helped me out once and he's super informative and knowlegeable about everything boombox! :yes:
Man I wish I was in California this time of year!
Great to see you guys getting together like that.
Have a super weekend-Jeff. :-)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I would visit too but you guys are too damn far away!

Good to see the M90 and M71 are booming again.
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