Greetings from Brixton

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Member (SA)

Hi folks,

I live in SE London and I like boomboxes. I grew up owning a Phillips and an Aiwa in the late 70's, 80's and 90's. Now I couldn't resist a non-working Hitachi TRK-8190E and as you can see from the pic, it's a fine example. I'm keen to get the lovely thing working again. Where would I start?

The only things that work on it are the power leds when running off AC, the display lights, tape 'rewind', and 'forward'. Tape 'play' just backs up the tape in a mess as the capstan wheels don't turn in 'play' mode.

From reading the forum so far some of you have suggested to remove and clean the multifunction select switch, the radio band selector switch, and the volume sliders too. I haven't a clue how the cassette works or what's wrong with it.

I'm assuming a schematic diagram will help to diagnose problems, but where could I get one? And once I have it where would I start? I have a multimeter, soldering iron, patience and curiosity. I'm not shy to ask for help.

The radio did work once when I bought it, then went silent. All fuses are present and correct.

Happy to be here, see you around...


Member (SA)
Welcome Jan, what a fine looking unit that Hitachi is.

Find a product called De-Oxit, or your local electronics hobbyist store may know it as "contact cleaner", read the instructions and clean all the switches and pots (under the knobs), also work them thoroughly, as they atrophy and corrode if they are not worked. That should get the radio going.

I'm only guessing but I would say the belts need replacing, always a good bet on a "found" boombox. Others on this forum can help you with that.

Hitachi's are pretty popular and are much underrated boomers if you ask me.

Once again, welcome to Boomboxery.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Welcome aboard, Jan!! That Hitachi is a beauty for sure. Good luck on the restoration. :yes:


Boomus Fidelis
:hi: Hitachi is one awsome looking and sounding box :thumbsup: I love my TRK8080H..I had to replace the volume pot and clean and deoxit all switches and pots real good to get this baby 100% :cool: :cool: :drool: :drool:




Member (SA)
Southside boy here, now living on the other side of the planet!

Good luck with the collecting!


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