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Member (SA)
Being sat this side of the pond - I get to see a lot of tasty boxes available in the US and OZ that I'd gladly give my right knacker for - especially for some of the juicy prices you get em for (what with our strong funny little UK pound)

But conversely - you also see a lot of the overpriced, f**cking optimistic units offered by dreamers and fraudsters *FRAUDSTERS* - yeh I SAID IT!

Anyways - this week we have our own JUICY box available in the UK - in the shape of a CLAIRTONE c100f - now as any self appointed BROTHER Of the clan BOOMBOX on this forum knows this is a bona fide grail - and YES it can command a STEEP price - but what a sweet box - IT MUST BE MINE!!!

SO the first BIN is 500 POUNDS not DOLLARS - but there was the option to make an offer

I made (what I thought - and that's probably a problem right there) a TOP offer - and sat back awaiting pictures and a potential EXPENSIVE snag


considering the last C100f that was seen on UK eBay went for 280 6 months ago - I was outbid at 250 - I really wanted to make this badboy mine.

Anyways today I check on my eBay msgs - not only has the seller REJECTED my offer - they have put the price up to £750! (thats a tickle over 1200 US dollars)

f**k that!

anyway - sorry to rant - on a subject which we all KNOW is subjective to the opinion of both SELLER and potential BUYER.
but this is madness!!!

Oh well

guess I'm just bitter
or a biter :huh: :-/


Member (SA)
oh yeah the prices exploded, but i can tell u, overhere in germany, the price for a conion or clairtone is always about 700 pounds or more....


Member (SA)
they 've gone mate....very sad, but i tell u i paid ... for my conion..think it'S worth it or keep in mind that perhaps once your children will get this from u ;)


Member (SA)
if my missus found out I spent 700 quid on a cassette recorder - I have a feelling I'd never be able to walk again let alone have kids! :no: :no: :sadno:


Member (SA)
hahahaha i told mine i paid 300 and thats it, she doesn't know how expensive this model really is....but be sure it's definitly worth it..**** the money rock dat conion :breakdance: :breakdance: :breakdance:


Member (SA)
I just offered her 25 £ for this piece of crap. I already own a clairtone but i just want to have a bit of fun.................................. :nonono:


Boomus Fidelis
i would not pay half that for any box period!, never have either :lol: . the most i ever paid for a box was $250.00 plus $100.00 for shipping and that was for an m90 , i got a clairtone 7980 for $168.00 shipped and you know why i got these so cheap ?

i waited a long farking time till they jumped out at me for sale and i grabbed the sumbitches :lol:

if you pay these stupid prices the sellers look at this then next time around they cost even more when they come up for sale based on previous sales prices .

most likely it's just plain greed in the end and the seller is gonna bleed it for all they can :'-(

my advice is be patient and if you can't live without the damn thing , save money till you can buy one even if the price is high , to find deals on ebay you almost have to live behind a keyboard and look at stuff 23 hours a day :thumbsdown: .


Member (SA)
>>>to find deals on ebay you almost have to live behind a keyboard and look at stuff 23 hours a day


JVC Floyd is right, you need to be patient, you need to sit on ebay on the right categories a lot, and you need to search "newly listed". Find the seller without any idea what the box is really worth, and pay the low BIN price.

Most of all you need patience. Oh and some patience would be good too as it can take a while. Also patience.

Maybe some luck as well.


Boomus Fidelis
hell when i got those 2 boxes i wasn't even ready to buy they just appeared out of nowhere and i got em' ,really couldn't afford them at the time but these deals are to hard to pass up ,you just have to wait , save, look , jump fast when the time comes :lol: and it will happen when you least expect it , hell you might even find these in the wild for next to nothing if you look hard enough , i found another m90 under a stack of crap at a pawn shop ,they stuck me for about $250.00 for it but i knew the owner plus i knew that sumbitchin' box was coming with me :-D


Member (SA)
prices are fluctuating quite a bit. I suspect August will be a good time to buy again, in the states anyway.

I've been able to grab a few good deals on vintage audio lately on ebay, while everyone was looking the other way :-D . A classic Sansui xp99 turntable and an onkyo TX108 monster receiver came my way for only 50$ each :lol: . These are serious pieces, they were around 900$ each back in the 80s. So, there are deals out there, you just have to avoid the 'latest fads'. Which, unfortunately, includes boomboxes at the moment.


Member (SA)
Sage words indeed fellow brothers.

And that's the exact same thing that happened when I was "looking" for a Linn Sondek LP12 - I wasn't really looking honest - but then one jumps out of you from a local classified which you are casually browsing for less than half price!

And when you get there you find out it's a top of the range model and you can knock another 100 of the price (somehow using JEDI mind power - and a seller who has NO CLUE what they have) - patience and MORE patience suddenly makes so much sense.

Radio 80's FM

Member (SA)
Yeah, had something simialr happen to me. :sad:
Found a miss-listed Discolite on ebay. All was going good until pulled of with no warning as some @#$% emailed a BIN and the seller pulled the listing.
I ask WTF??!! Where is the email (courtesy?) telling me it's going BIN and if I wished to make a counter offer? I was told I was emailed but I didn't reply then I was told the wrong person was emailed.
After some harsh words it was re-listed but only due to GREED as they suddenly thought they were going to get big $$$ in a bidding war.
What acually happend was they got $15 more then the BIN they acceped.
I posted before about "loose lips sinking ships"when it comes to bargins on Fleabay.



Member (SA)
Yup, gotta agree with JVC Floyd about the "watching certain ebay categories 23hrs a day" train of thought...

But, another thing to do is tell a core of your best friends here on this site (whom you know are always trolling eBay) what box you're looking for, and your realistic price max. Of course, it doesn't help if all your friends are looking for the same box.

I was sitting here working my day-job one Wednesday afternoon when I got a phone call from Ford93. He knew I badly wanted an M90 after playing with his, and he saw one that had just been listed on ebay like an hour before... The box has a couple of cigarette burns on the very top and the deck was advertised as not working at the time, which was reflected in the seller's price... But otherwise the overall condition of the box was good and the seller had great feedback. After 20 minutes of hemming and hawing back and forth (and considerable enabling from Juan) I hit the BIN and have been smiling about that purchase ever since. Basically, by the time you factor in the tape deck repair (all fusible resistors changed) I ended up getting that M90 for about the same you'd have to pay to get a really good condition M70.

Good luck in your quest..

On, and one more thing.... add a Nakamichi to your audio wishlist! :-D
i hunt nonstop all over the net trying to find deals, sometimes i get lucky and deals find me, sometimes they dont, when i got my helix i spent money that i was not supposed to spend on a boombox but the price i got it for was too low to not throw reason to the wind, and i dont regret it. so just keep your eyes open an dexpand your search to everywhere one may possibly show up, and good luck.
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