Great Little Trip To The Supermarket

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Member (SA)
I'd been working on finishing up all the gold (finally!) on my TC-999 and decided to pop down the supermarket with her and pick up some groceries.
I usually pop by the same supermarket on my way home from work when I need something, with my radio of course, but I'd not been down too often
on a late saturday afternoon, which I found is a very different type of customer shopping about.

I turned my tape down a little bit lower than walking-volume, so I could still hear it but not loud enough to obliterate the other customers and started doing my shopping. First thing I noticed was the abundance of mums with young kids. The family-shoppers are usually done by the time I do my usual shopping, but today there were loads. I start going about my business and began overhearing 'mum, look at that!' and numerous times 'can i dance, mum?'. It was pretty funny! Then a mum came up to me, looked me up and down and said 'you're the coolest thing I've ever seen in a supermarket' which I found very charming. I continued shopping and went up to the register and the check out chick asked me if I could hang around for a while and turn it up. Haha! Great stuff! On the way out a Dad and his kids were behind me and he said to turn up, so I cranked the hell out of the TC-999 and he and his kids danced around the car park as we walked through!

It was a pretty surreal little shopping trip, but if anything I goes a LONG way to show how positive a reaction you get from people when they see and hear a boombox out in public.
If you've never done this kind thing before, I can't recommend enough to try it. It's all wonderful and awesome to collect and restore our radios, but seeing these kinds of reaction from complete strangers is really where the magic of our hobby lies. We can take for granted the gems of our collections when we see them all the time, but to the average person in the street a boombox is something almost mythical and entirely extraordinary.

Keep it in mind next time you need to take a quick trip to the shops or something, it's the using of these wonderful objects in their natural arena that takes our hobby to an entirely new level!

Rock On.


Member (SA)
Truly inspiring Rick!!!!!!!

It's good to know that the lives of other are being enriched by our hobby :yes: :yes:


I Am Legend
alfie said:
Truly inspiring Rick!!!!!!!

It's good to know that the lives of other are being enriched by our hobby :yes: :yes:

love that story -- :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

there were times and places --where the 'mix' would try to avoid boomers as ' big noise ' :thumbsdown:

so now --30 years later - we have a much cooler audience :cool: :yes: :yes:

Lasonic TRC-920

redbenjoe said:
alfie said:
Truly inspiring Rick!!!!!!!

It's good to know that the lives of other are being enriched by our hobby :yes: :yes:

love that story -- :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

there were times and places --where the 'mix' would try to avoid boomers as ' big noise ' :thumbsdown:

so now --30 years later - we have a much cooler audience :cool: :yes: :yes:

:agree: :agree:

You know, there is now such a gap in time from when these radio's were new and every where AND they were PISSING PEOPLE OFF! Now there is such a gap in time that it's all brand new again.

Instinctively people want "Public" music. It's very natural to enjoy music as a group and dance and smile and SHARE.

It's just been a VERY long time since we as a whole society have done this. Many factors including personal small electronics have pulled us all into our own little worlds.

But we still long to be LOUD!

Great story Rick, keep on spreading the gospil :yes: :-D


Member (SA)
Great times Glue :thumbsup: . Its true that old warriors are attending even more positive attention now days. Just remembered when i was smuggling 767 to Max in Berlin with bus. The box was double bubble wrapped but on the busy bus station a lot of people was lookin at it and a few was chattin with me how cool is this and can i unwrap it and crank it. And a boombox on the sea side camp .... It is uniting people for minutes. And so on and on....
Viva the boombox :breakdance:


Boomus Fidelis
Great day out and about with your boomer Rick :thumbsup: I just hope someday I can afford to go out of the country on vacation because I'm going to Australia. It sounds so fantastic there :w00t: :-)

shane higgins

Member (SA)
luck u got a working with children card
hey next time pull out the carddoard
remember fridge box (take out the staples)
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