So I dropped by my local Goodwill, to check out the bins and noticed the electronics really dried up from before.
I guess they were tired of re stacking their giant wall of vcr's.
But I didn't leave empty handed.
I picked up 2 of these TDK high bias CD power 90's (TDK PWR-90)
Anybody record on these, any opinions?
Also picked up a new copy of the Dave Brubeck Quartet - Time Out.
Cool ass jazz is always a nice find. Just finished listening to it on my HiFi, and it sounds as good as a CD.
All this for the princely sum of $1.50.
I guess they were tired of re stacking their giant wall of vcr's.
But I didn't leave empty handed.
I picked up 2 of these TDK high bias CD power 90's (TDK PWR-90)
Anybody record on these, any opinions?
Also picked up a new copy of the Dave Brubeck Quartet - Time Out.
Cool ass jazz is always a nice find. Just finished listening to it on my HiFi, and it sounds as good as a CD.
All this for the princely sum of $1.50.