Gold i931

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Member (SA)
After visiting Lasonic-land, seeing the all those i931s up close, and reading Chris' glowing review of his, I decided I would break down and get one. :yes:

So not wanting to buy off ePay or Amazon, I decided to look locally.

Yesterday I became the proud owner of a gold i931X. :thumbsup: :w00t:

It's in great shape and sounds pretty good too, although the seller didn't have the remote or box. :sadno:



I read on a French site, that they were limited to 20 in Europe, but does anyone know if they were released elsewhere‽ Is this one of the 20‽ :hmmm: :w00t:


=m i l e s=

Lasonic TRC-920

AWESOME MAN! What do you think of your new radio?

BTW, you can buy the remote from Lasonic!

I think it looks good. Here the black labels work well with the gold without looking too flashy. A bit more tasteful.

IS that your iPhone in there?


No Longer Active
Not much a fan of that color ('cause it looks spray painted) but that first pic make it look pretty good. :cool:



Member (SA)
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
AWESOME MAN! What do you think of your new radio?

BTW, you can buy the remote from Lasonic!

I think it looks good. Here the black labels work well with the gold without looking too flashy. A bit more tasteful.

IS that your iPhone in there?
Thanks! :thumbsup: Your review is what pushed me over the edge. :yes:

I haven't really rocked it except at work for a few minutes before a co-worker politely (NOT!) as me to turn it down. What I did hear sounded pretty damn good; I can't wait to blast it hard! :w00t:

Actually, it's seriously flashy like Don Magic Juan; It makes the MackDaddy look like a preacher. :lol:
A buddy said it looked "Rococo"! :lol: I think he was being nice! ;-)

I'm going to rock it with my wife and her friends when they do the SlutWalk in June.
Good to know replacement remotes are still available. I wonder if the original was gold too... :hmmm:

It's my iPod Touch 4 with ESG's "A South Bronx Story" showing.




Boomus Fidelis
Very awesome find :thumbsup: I have also looked for the Gold version but could only find it overseas :thumbsdown: I would love to get get either the gold or silver version :-D


Staff member
Not much a fan of that color ('cause it looks spray painted) but that first pic make it look pretty good. :cool:


Agree with Mono here. Congrats though! :thumbsup:

Lasonic TRC-920

=ml= said:
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
AWESOME MAN! What do you think of your new radio?

BTW, you can buy the remote from Lasonic!

I think it looks good. Here the black labels work well with the gold without looking too flashy. A bit more tasteful.

IS that your iPhone in there?
Thanks! :thumbsup: Your review is what pushed me over the edge. :yes:

I haven't really rocked it except at work for a few minutes before a co-worker politely (NOT!) as me to turn it down. What I did hear sounded pretty damn good; I can't wait to blast it hard! :w00t:

Actually, it's seriously flashy like Don Magic Juan; It makes the MackDaddy look like a preacher. :lol:
A buddy said it looked "Rococo"! :lol: I think he was being nice! ;-)

I'm going to rock it with my wife and her friends when they do the SlutWalk in June.
Good to know replacement remotes are still available. I wonder if the original was gold too... :hmmm:

It's my iPod Touch 4 with ESG's "A South Bronx Story" showing.



SLUT WALK! Sounds like a great place to pick up chicks! :lol:


Member (SA)
After seeing all those different colored 931's I was considering customizing mine!!!!
The gold looks great, although the back of the box looks patchy like it was not sprayed
Great Look though, I love the gold.
I might do mine in a metallic lavender :w00t:
Were you listening to "Moody" in that first pic??


Member (SA)
Not bad looking. But am I seeing right? There's no inputs on this radio? Are they on the side? Wifey wants the pink one or the Leopord looking one seen in TRC-920's pic. Can they be purchased on a Lasonic web site?


Member (SA)
@hemiguy2006: The box isn't actually playing - batteries were still charging - but I would've been playing Moody, UFO, Erase You, or Chistelle. :thumbsup: :yes:
When I saw them, Chistelle was all grown up and playing in the band. I hung out with her for a minute after the show and she signed a flyer for me! :yes: :angelic:

@Jboogie2384: There's one mini-stereo input on the back above the AC/DC switch. As for the wifey's i931, you'll have to customize to her tastes; the i931s that Chris and I posted are all prototypes. It shouldn't be too hard to tape and spray, or even disassemble and spray. Get a white one and go for it! :yes:




Member (SA)
I'm loving the gold for sure! Blingy to the max hehe. I am curious about the paint job though. Is it black then painted gold or is the plastic gold through-and-through? I guess you'd have to open it up and look at the back side of the case pieces to find out. I would have figured that Lasonic could inject gold coloured plastic to make it, but I also reason that they didn't so that they could attain a better finish through painting a black box as there are no swirls marks etc from the injection process.


Member (SA)
Stretch said:
I'm loving the gold for sure! Blingy to the max hehe. I am curious about the paint job though. Is it black then painted gold or is the plastic gold through-and-through? I guess you'd have to open it up and look at the back side of the case pieces to find out. I would have figured that Lasonic could inject gold coloured plastic to make it, but I also reason that they didn't so that they could attain a better finish through painting a black box as there are no swirls marks etc from the injection process.
Ditto Stretch, gold is happenin'. :yes: I feel fortunate that when I decide to take the plunge, I snagged a gold one. It's like when I decide to by a biker jacket and happened upon one of the original The Terminator jackets at a prop reselling shop. Wore it for years then sold it for $35K and boosted my daughter's college fund. :w00t:

Viewing the inside of the battery cover, it looks like the plastic is black and the gold is sprayed on. Gold colored plastic - complete with swirls - or gold plated plastic would have been amazing. :thumbsup: But for a limited run of 20, I guess paint was more economical. :hmmm: :yes:

The i931 is definitely NOT a 931. Even with the stellar EQU app, side-by-side, they don't compare. I have yet to crack open the i931, but it must be the guts - different electronics and speakers - that separate them. Even though they look similar, my 931 - a Mk III - has a rich full bass and crisp highs, whereas the i931, while comparably loud, doesn't have the same fullness and presence. Without the A/B comparison though, I might not have noticed the difference; maybe a boombox-o-phile would. The i931 is a great boombox for the money and the styling is OG, so I 'm glad I have one in my quiver.

BTW, I'm going back out to Lasonic-land next week to show them Goldie and my other new boxes. Does anyone know the status of the Boomboxery edition box‽
Should I inquire‽ Any other questions‽




Member (SA)
=ml= said:
Stretch said:
Viewing the inside of the battery cover, it looks like the plastic is black and the gold is sprayed on. Gold colored plastic - complete with swirls - or gold plated plastic would have been amazing. :thumbsup: But for a limited run of 20, I guess paint was more economical. :hmmm: :yes:

When I get my M50 chromed I'll inquire about the possibility of gold colouring in the chrome for ya ;). You'll see my thread and just remind me at the time.
Best of fun at Lasonic when you go back!
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