GF9000 came this morning,in a sh*tty cardboard box,wrapped in a single piece of second hand bubble wrap,its not the lovely clean GF9000 with the fancy door sticker like in the auction picture,this has no sticker !! band selector knob smashed off (but the broken part not in the box??) so i`m convinced it was done before it was shipped,left speaker grill dented,controls crackly 2 hell,right hand vu metre is intermittent,the sound on cassette is dull like the heads are dirty,cassette door glass is scratched 2 death like someone has tried cleaning inside the cassette door with a screw driver,but the worst ! is inside the cassette deck its supposed to have a plastic plate to cover all the cogs and crap,that is missing..looks horrible..its a disgrace !! oh and the play button on the cassette deck has chrome chipped... another ebay rippoff !!!! i`ve got it in bits now fixing it all...