GF, RX, QT, RC, PC.....what the heck?

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Member (SA)
So this is something i have been wondering about a looooong time.
How did the companies back then name and number their models? :huh: :huh: :huh:

I mean some are pretty clear:
RC: RadioreCorder or something I guess
SCR: Stereo Cassette Radio

But then there are some I stumble about:
QT: Does that mean like cu-tie for mini boombox?
RX: R might be radio but X?
PC: Does that mean 3-PieCer?
And then the weirdest one:
GF....what the heck? The only thing I know that GF is short for is girlfriend. Where the Sharp designers THAT lonely? :lol:

And the letters are not enough - what about the numbers?
Okay, there is the GF-555, GF-666, GF-777, GF-999. Where is the GF-888 and the GF-111 - GF-444? Are those the mysterious Sharp prototypes that were never released?
And how did they come up with 9696? Why not only 96?
I get the Conion idea. 100 sounds cool. So does GF-1000.
But how on earth would Clairtone name it 7879 (I think that is what it is)? Is there anything that says less about it? Why that number?

And where is the JVC M-100? :lol:

So basically what I am asking is if any of you have ever wondered about that, too or if some of you maybe actually have an idea what that stuff means and where it comes from. :huh: :hmmm:
I would be really interested. :lol:

shane higgins

Member (SA)
get f..ked thats my 777 :thumbsup:
the gf 888 is the one that look like the gf 525 but does some weird tapey thing or records only sorry i forgot


Member (SA)
ViennaSound said:
at GRUNDIG the PC means Party Center :-)

at PHILIPS (and maybe JVC and others) it means Portable Compo

Finally one useful answer :thumbsup: :lol:

Sorry to the others but GF translated as get f***ed is not really helpful. :lol:


Boomus Fidelis
mmcodomino said:
ViennaSound said:
at GRUNDIG the PC means Party Center :-)

at PHILIPS (and maybe JVC and others) it means Portable Compo

Finally one useful answer :thumbsup: :lol:

Sorry to the others but GF translated as get f***ed is not really helpful. :lol:

GF = Get Fun? :lol:
on flea: Great Find :-P

btw: did you notice that SIEMENS called all their boomboxes CLUB ? :hmmm:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Don't forget that Sears has 'SR'. One could guess it stands for 'Sears Radio', but it could stand for 'Sucky Reception.' :lol:

GF = Grand Finale?


Member (SA)
Great thread Max!
I do know that PC means P-Combo Portable,it says right on my PC-55 cassette windiw sticker! :yes:
But GF-that's a good one! :hmmm:
Have a great weekend-Jeff. :-) :yes: :cool:

shane higgins

Member (SA)
Ghettoboom767 said:
Great thread Max!
I do know that PC means P-Combo Portable,it says right on my PC-55 cassette windiw sticker! :yes:
But GF-that's a good one! :hmmm:
Have a great weekend-Jeff. :-) :yes: :cool:

very close PC is for portable component


Member (SA)
shane higgins said:
Ghettoboom767 said:
Great thread Max!
I do know that PC means P-Combo Portable,it says right on my PC-55 cassette windiw sticker! :yes:
But GF-that's a good one! :hmmm:
Have a great weekend-Jeff. :-) :yes: :cool:

very close PC is for portable component

Actually it's P-Compo Portable! I was one letter off.sorry! :blush:

My JVC PC-55JW has the window sticker on the cassette door cover & it does stand for Portable Component.
They just state it as P-Compo Portable.

Have a good one-GB. :-)
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