Getting ready to start my collection.

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Member (SA)
Alright, while I wait on an auction for a TRC-931, I'm looking around wherever I can to find some boxes. I've always had a thing for huge silver boxes and LED meters. Hopefully, I can score a few without breakign the bank.

I found a small shop that has a few small boxes at very cheap prices, but since I am just starting, I wanted to get some opinions as to whether they are even worthy being in a decent collection even at the low prices. I haven't tried to negotiate prices, but I'm sure I can get a discount if I buy more than one. Here's the list I wrote down.

Realistic SCR 6: Asking $100

Sony CFS 43: asking $15

Magnavox TR 4883/17: $10

Sony CFS 350: $20 - has a subwoofer in the back

Sony FH 5: $80

I really like the Realistic box, but not sure on the price. The three smaller ones are cheap enough that I wouldn't mind spending the money, but are they worthy of a good collections. Looking forward to peoples opinions.


Boomus Fidelis
:hi: :hi: Well all I can say is the bbx's are worth what you are willing to pay ;-) As you get better aquainted with this hobby it will come easier to make better decisions on price :-D Good luck :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
baddboybill said:
:hi: :hi: Well all I can say is the bbx's are worth what you are willing to pay ;-) As you get better aquainted with this hobby it will come easier to make better decisions on price :-D Good luck :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
this should be the standard response for people asking about box values.


Member (SA)
Hey esp, you got to go for what you like, sure theres more than a few grail boxes that are worthy of any collection but everyones tastes are a little differant also the longer you stick with the hobby you'll get to know whats a good price and which boxes come up more often than others. Enjoy :-)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Just remember that those cheaper box prices all added up can get you one really great box that you might want. I would pass on the cheaper ones and save for what you really want unless those are what you really want.

Master Z

Member (SA)
Welcome to the site.
I got a couple silver boxes for sale check out my sig and do a search for the models. I wont break the bank either.

shane higgins

Member (SA)
the 2 small Sony are $5 boxes :sadno:
the fh5 is OK price(out of NORTH AMERICA) the seen a bit cheaper over there :breakdance:
the relistic is good price if it were an 8 but $50 for a 6 :-/
the magnavox :hmmm:
but i would get them all anyway iam a Boombox junkie :angelic:


Member (SA)
shane higgins said:
the 2 small Sony are $5 boxes :sadno:
the fh5 is OK price(out of NORTH AMERICA) the seen a bit cheaper over there :breakdance:
the relistic is good price if it were an 8 but $50 for a 6 :-/
the magnavox :hmmm:
but i would get them all anyway iam a Boombox junkie :angelic:

Thanks for the replies... I know prices are on my end as to what I'm willing to part with. I guess I'm looking more for opinions on the boxes themselves regardless of price. Thanks Shane, for your input.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Personally, I would go for the FH-5 on that list. If it is in really good condition and 100% complete, $80 seems like a fair price. However, I would still offer $50 or $60 and see what happens.
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