Today we have on tap 2 middleweight contenders: the JVC RC-M50 and the GE 3-5259a Blockbuster. First off let met start by saying I am a huge fan of JVC's and I am really pulling for the M50 to win this challenge. Ok, now to the nitty-gritty...I put the 2 boomers through a series of tests that would challenge their tuner signal strength and sound qualtity and clarity when using the tuner, line input and cassette at high and low volume. The playlist consisted of music from Steely Dan, Earth Wind & Fire, and Euge Groove. TUNER: I tuned in to several popular radio stations and found both units performed well in picking up stations but the M50 tuner signal strength was a little stronger. In sound quality and clarity at low volume (notch 4) the Blockbuster surprised me with its strong bass and overall warm and crisp sound compared to the M50's brassy sound which is almost devoid of bass. The M50's biphonic feature is nice but does not make up for the lack of bass. CASSETTE: Once again the Blockbuster shined with solid bass and a warm well balanced sound while the M50's sound focuses a little too much on reproducing strong mids and highs. Line Input: Using my Creative mp3 player with the eq setting on normal I played a list of tracks which included some jazz, soft rock and r&b. The Blockbuster stole the show once again. I must say when you look at the 2 side by side the size of the M50's speakers give the impression that this thing can thump. Unfortunately this is not the case. The Blockbuster was just too strong a player in this contest and scored a knockout I am sad to say. It's solid bass and crisp highs compliment the smooth midrange in an overall great sounding box. The M50 is a pretty boy that never should have gotten into the ring with the Blockbuster.